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Sez I, "Albert Edard, is that you?" & he smilt & sed it was. Sez I, "Albert Edard, hears my keerd. I cum to pay my respecks to the futer King of Ingland. The Kurnal of the Seventy Onesters hear is ruther smawl pertaters, but of course you ain't to blame fur that. He puts on as many airs as tho he was the Bully Boy with the glass eye."

"To that corpulent figgur," sez I, "in military fixins." "That, sair," sez he, with severity, "is a portrait of his Majusty the King of Denmark, lately disEased." "A portraickt of his cloze, you mean," sez I. "Is that sprorling pictur a work of art? With that I scowled at the Creteck, and left him looking considerable smawl pertaters.

Our church would be jes' spoilt with a lot o' trails o' weed round it but you mark my wurrd! Miss Vancourt will be dekratin' the Saint in the coffin at 'Arvest 'Ome wi' corn and pertaters an' vegetable marrers, all a-growin' and a-blowin' afore we knows it. There ain't no sense o' fitness in the feminine natur!" Mrs. Bainton laughed good-naturedly.

Our neighbor soon paused and resumed: "I guess I'll give you a hint that'll add bushels of pertaters to yer crop. After I've plowed the garden, I'll furrow out deep a lot of rows, three feet apart. Let Merton take a hoe and scrape up the fine old manure in the barnyard. Don't use any other kind.

Marm had made some apple-dumplin' that day, and 'twas good, you bet. Well, I see Bill a-eyin' the dumplin' as he shoveled in the meat and pertaters, and I knowed he meant to get more'n his share. Now, I'm fond of dumplin' as well as Bill, and I didn't like it. Well, we was both helped and went to eatin'. When I was half through I got up to pour out some water.

No, make no mistake about the character of the objec’ we’ve forgot. ’Tain’t sweet pertaters, ’tain’t molasses, ’tain’t corn-breadit’s paw! It’s your pore old pawhim settin’ in the tent, forsook and neglected by his own children." All started up to remedy their filial neglect without loss of time, but Mrs. Yellett waved them back to their places.

Asking her to bring it along, he waited, sitting on a stool, his boots on the lead-pipe foot-rest, his elbows on the shiny brown counter, staring at a pyramid of tough looking bun-sandwiches under a glass globe. "I been lookin' for you every day," said Mrs. Voigt when she brought his plate. "I put plenty good gravy on dem sweet pertaters, ja." "Thank you. You must be popular with your boarders."

I know he'll like to stay." "James," said Mrs. Ball, "you're peelin' them pertaters with thick peelins' and you'll land in the poorhouse. I've never knowed it to fail." "I wanted to ask you something, Aunty," Ruth went on quickly, though feeling that the moment was not auspicious, "you know all that old furniture up in the attic?" "Well, what of it?"

"Yer said I was to be perlite, an' when I start in ter be, you spring them old pertaters on a feller. Huh!" "Aw, now, Jason," interposed his mother. "Can't Marty show his cousin over the farm and hoe the 'taters afterward?" "No, he can't!" denied Master Marty, quickly. "I ain't goin' ter work double for nobody. Now, that's flat!"

Save the rest of your seed until you have some rich, strong, deep soil ready. I came over to say that if this weather holds a day or two longer I'll plow the garden; and I thought I'd tell you, so that you might get ready for me. The sooner you get your early pertaters in the better." "Your words almost take the ache out of my back," I said.