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I haven't been to a party in a century. If Miss Gray will be the 'chefess, I'll be assistant potato peeler. I can make the best salad. It's called 'Salade de la Marquise de Chateaubriand'; but it won't hurt you. It is only peanuts and cabbage. Daddy and I used to feast on it once a week." After all there was nothing I could label a reason why he and Zura should not meet.

Claude learned that he was a half-witted brother of the Chief Steward, a potato peeler and dish-washer in the galley. Four day after their interview with Mr. Micks, when they were at last nearing the end of the voyage, Doctor Trueman detained Claude after medical inspection to tell him that the Chief Steward had come down with the epidemic.

I then turned in, deeming the ship quite snug, leaving orders with the mates to reduce the sail, did they find the ship straining, or the spars in danger, and to call me should anything serious occur. I was not called until daylight, when Talcott laid his hand on my shoulder, and said, "You had better turn out, Captain Wallingford; we have a peeler, and I want a little advice."

"For dear sake!" said Uncle William impatiently. "Or a sailor. I went down to the Post Office once and got a bill about the Navy!..." "Well, I would think you were demented mad to go and do the like of that," said Uncle William. "You might as well be a peeler!" His mind turned now very frequently to the consideration of work other than that of teaching.

Gar on, guv'nor, lemme in!" "Oh, crumpets, look at Jimmy! Jimmy never done nothink, your honor; he's a himposter" "I'm the boy what kicked the peeler. Hie, you toff with the choker, ain't I to step up?" "Tell yer, I'm a genooine criminal, I am. If yer don't lemme in I'll have the lawr on you." "Let a poor cove in as his father drownded hisself for his country." "What air yer torking about?

It’s a peeler without, I can tell you, good woman; but what cares I? blow high or blow low, d’ye see, it’s all the same thing to Ben. The niggers are snug stowed below before a fire that would roast an ox whole.

Ed Hall, who had been a carpenter's apprentice earning but a few dollars a week with his master, Ben Peeler, was now foreman in the corn-cutter factory and received a salary of twenty-five dollars every Saturday night. It was more money than he had ever dreamed of earning in a week. On pay nights he dressed himself in his Sunday clothes and had himself shaved at Joe Trotter's barber shop.

He had an elder brother who had died when he was a boy, but the face of the man on the ground was the face of his brother. Ben sat up in bed and shouted. "Help, for God's sake, help! It's my own brother. Don't you see, it is Harry Peeler?" he cried. His wife awoke and shook him. "What's the matter, Ben," she asked anxiously. "What's the matter?"

But with this difference, that these poor knights have only for their fare a bob or flirt on the nose, and in the evening a morsel of coarse mouldy bread. Trajan was a fisher of frogs. Antoninus, a lackey. Commodus, a jet-maker. Pertinax, a peeler of walnuts. Lucullus, a maker of rattles and hawks'-bells. Justinian, a pedlar. Hector, a snap-sauce scullion. Paris was a poor beggar.

If you are a scholar, you might keep school, but I don't believe there's half-a-dozen kids on the diggin's. They'd be of no mortal use except to tumble down shafts. Fact is, if you are really hard up, you can be a peeler. Up at the camp they'll take on any useless loafer wot's able to carry a carbine, and they'll give you tucker, and you can keep your shirt clean.