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"Do you like her better nor that Belfast girl that married the peeler?..." "Och, that one," John laughed. "I never think of her now ... never for a minute. Eleanor's the one I think about!" "Are you sure of yourself?..." "As sure as God's in heaven, ma!" "Oh, yes, we know all about that, but are you sure you're sure? You were queerly set on that Belfast girl, you know!"

They kicked up a shindy with some bar-loungers, an' the fur flew. When the police came, old Peg-leg, the skipper, you know, was the only man left in the place, havin' unshipped his crutch for the fight. 'What have you bin a-doin' of here throwin' grapes about? asked the peeler, gazin' at the floor, suspicious-like. 'Grapes, said Dot-an'-carry-one, 'them ain't grapes.

It requires much practice to become a skillful peeler of cinnamon, but Comale, having been taught by his father, and being moreover a careful, observing lad, was fast attaining a degree of success in his trade. Formerly the Cingalese had allowed the cinnamon trees to grow to their natural height, about twenty or thirty feet, and naturally the cinnamon bark from such trees had been tough.

Say it's becas I'm an honest woman and don't care to hide the a unmentionables when I wear them as the t'others do," sprinkled with the dandy's famous invocations. He began to conceive romance in that sort of fun. "You're a wopper, my brave Dick! won't let any peeler take me? by Jove!"

The term Peeler became synonymous with spy, informer, and traitor, and the Chief Secretary was detested not only for the illiberal sentiments he had expressed, but for the machinery of order he had established.

"Oh! you unnatural villain! To go away after your drink, and leave all them poor dear dead corpses locked up, without even letting a body go in to stretch them out!" "And breeding the fever, too, to poison the whole house!" growled one. "The relieving officer's been here, my cove," said another, "and he's gone for a peeler and a search warrant to break open the door, I can tell you!"

"That's where the peeler was killed!" the woman said to him.... He edged out of the crowd as quickly as he could, feeling sick with horror, and again he felt a bitter anger against John Marsh. "He was going to Mass every morning, damn him, to make sure of his own soul, but he didn't give the policeman time to make any preparation.

Why should I?" "Because I'm in love with you and want you to meet me." "No!..." "Then I'll sit here all night then. I'll let the peeler take me up, and I'll tell the whole world I'm in love with you!" "You're a beast. You're really a beast!" "I'm not. I'm in love with you. That's all. Will you meet me the morrow?" "I don't know!..." "Well, make up your mind then."

They were not shouting like the rest, but hitting out straight and remorselessly; and before those two strong Promachi, townsman and navvy, peeler and special, went down like blades of corn.

In so short a space of time her father, his business associate Steve Hunter, Ben Peeler the town carpenter, Joe Wainsworth the harness maker, almost every man and woman in town had become something different in his nature from the man or woman bearing the same name she had known in her girlhood. Ben Peeler was forty years old when Clara went to Columbus to school.