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Itaque pauci veniunt ad senectutem; quod ni ita accideret, melius et prudentius viveretur. Mens enim et ratio et consilium in senibus est, qui si nulli fuissent, nullae omnino civitates fuissent. Sed redeo ad mortem impendentem.

The senate had made difficulties: but one of the fruits of the triumvirate was a measure for doing it. It is curious that Cicero speaks of the pauci just as his opponent Cæsar and Augustus after him. Vatinius did not get the augurship. Are they going to deny that Publius has been made a plebeian? This is indeed playing the king, and is utterly intolerable.

This recommendation, as he well knew, was equivalent to a command. In the prologue he expresses his sense of the affront with great manliness and force of language. We quote some lines from it, as a specimen of the best plebeian Latin; "Necessitas, cuius cursus, transversi impetum Voluerunt multi effugere, pauci potuerunt, Quo me detrusit paene extremis sensibus?

For myself I now prefer small congregations, and am never so well pleased as when I see only a little group of people listening to my preaching. Seneca once said to his friend Lucillus that they themselves formed a theatre wide enough for the communication of their philosophy, and, speaking of those who came to hear his teaching, he says: Satis sunt pauci, satis est alter, satis est unus.

So, considering that such waiting was not safe for me, I obtained my end in another way, as I shall now relate. St. Matt. xx. 16: "Multi enim sunt vocati, pauci vero electi." Maria de Cepeda, married to Don Martin Guzman y Barrientos. See below, ch. xxxiv. section 24. Don Pedro Sanchez de Cepeda. Our Lord Helps Her to Become a Nun. Her Many Infirmities.

"Ergo nunc Britannia inclyta vellere est. Caret tamen ut dixi, serpentibus, tribus ex causis: nam pauci possunt generari ob frigus immensum." De Subtilitate, p. 298. Æneas Sylvius in describing his visit to Britain a century earlier says that rooks had been recently introduced, and that the trees on which they roosted and built belonged to the King's Exchequer.

So Off. 1, 83 leviter aegrotantis leniter curant, gravioribus autem morbis periculosas curationes et ancipites adhibere coguntur. The adverb tristius, which has in prose a superlative but no positive, occurs in Fam. 4, 13, 5. MENS ... RATIO ... CONSILIUM: cf. n. on 41. QUI ... NULLI: cf. n. on 46 qui pauci; but nulli here almost = non.

But true it must be that Christ saith, Multi sunt vocati, pauci vero electi: "Many are called, but few are chosen." Here have I an occasion by the way somewhat to say unto you; yea, for the place I alleged unto you before out of Jeremy, the forty-eighth chapter.

And the author of the Imitation puts the same thing admirably when he says: "Obscurior etiam via ad coelum videbatur quando tam pauci regnum coelorum quaerere curabant,"+ the fewer there are who follow the way to perfection, the harder that way is to find.

Et sic ciuitas Ioppe cum habitatoribus suis liberata est; Ceciderunt hac die tria millia Saracenorum Christianorum vero pauci perijsse inuenti sunt. The same in English.