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Arist. de insomn. cap 3. Quae in vita usurpant homines, cogitant, curant, vident quaeque agunt vigilantes, agitantque, ea cuique in somno accidunt. De Div. Essay on Human Understanding, book, chap. i. sect 17. Obs, on Man, vol. 1, sect. 5. There is a phenomenon in the mind, which, though it happen to us while we are perfectly awake, yet approaches the nearest to sleep of any I know.

"Tum jam nulla viro juranti faemina credat; Nulla viri speret sermones esse fideles; Qui, dum aliquid cupiens animus praegestit apisci, Nil metuunt jurare, nihil promittere parcunt: Sed simul ac cupidae mentis satiata libido est, Dicta nihil metuere, nihil perjuria curant." An extraordinary turn upon the words is that in Ovid's "Epistolae Heroidum" of Sappho to Phaon:

So Off. 1, 83 leviter aegrotantis leniter curant, gravioribus autem morbis periculosas curationes et ancipites adhibere coguntur. The adverb tristius, which has in prose a superlative but no positive, occurs in Fam. 4, 13, 5. MENS ... RATIO ... CONSILIUM: cf. n. on 41. QUI ... NULLI: cf. n. on 46 qui pauci; but nulli here almost = non.

Omnia quae curant meminerunt, vadimonia constituta, quis sibi, cui ipsi debeant. 22 Quid iuris consulti, quid pontifices, quid augures, quid philosophi senes? Quam multa meminerunt! Manent ingenia senibus, modo permaneat studium et industria, neque ea solum claris et honoratis viris, sed in vita etiam privata et quieta.