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Omnia quae curant meminerunt, vadimonia constituta, quis sibi, cui ipsi debeant. 22 Quid iuris consulti, quid pontifices, quid augures, quid philosophi senes? Quam multa meminerunt! Manent ingenia senibus, modo permaneat studium et industria, neque ea solum claris et honoratis viris, sed in vita etiam privata et quieta.

Last, the beauty of the painting, because created in the beholder through a fixed and permaneat mechanism constructed by the artist, is communicable and abiding, whereas the immediate beauty of nature is incommunicable and transient.

Besides his Treatise on Grammar, he composed some poems, of which, his Lydia and Diana are most admired. Ticida mentions his "Lydia." Lydia, doctorum maxima cura liber. "Lydia," a work to men of learning dear. Cinna thus notices the "Diana." Secula permaneat nostri Diana Catonis. Immortal be our Cato's song of Dian.

Then he rose wearily to his feet, and slowly, as though his movements were controlled by a consciousness of great majesty, he clasped his hands and rested his chin upon them. He concentrated his thoughts on the prayer from the Imitation: "Domine, dummodo voluntas mea recta et firma ad te permaneat, fac de me quid-quid tibi placuerit."

INGENIA: = suum cuique ingenium; 'old men retain their wits'. PERMANEAT: A. 266, d; G. 575; H. 513, I. STUDIUM ET INDUSTRIA: 'earnestness and activity'; not a case of hendiadys, as some editors make it. Cf. n. on 15 iuventute et viribus.