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"Martin," said he, "'twould be as well you ped attention to what we're sayin' in regard o' the thrial to-morrow, as to be palaverin' talk into the girl's ear that can't be good comin' from your lips. Quit it, I say, quit it! I won't allow such proceedins!"

She used to tackle me the same as she does everybody else, askin' me to give somethin' to this, and to that, and to t'other pet humbug of her'n, but I never would do it; and when she found she could'nt worry me into it, like the rest of 'em, it set her very bitter against me; and I heard of her tellin' I'd treated her with rudeness, which I'd always treated her civilly, only when I said 'No, she found coaxin' and palaverin' wouldn't stir me.

The woman would have led again, but young Hallam cut in, none too courteously. "I say, Mamma, it's no good standing here, palaverin' like a lot of flats. Besides, I'm awf'ly knocked up. Let's get home and have it out there." Instantly his mother softened. "My poor boy!... Of course we'll go."

"Never saw one on ye yet thet wasn't caught by a bow from a palaverin' fool." Jane laughed nervously. She herself felt ashamed of having so soon given the lie to her own words of bravado; but she was woman enough not to admit her mortification. "I know he's a palaverin' fool's well's you do; but I reckon I've got some manners o' my own, 's well's he.

'Lave aff your palaverin' you snakin' owld sinner, says Sat'n; 'you know you're bought and sould to me, and a purty bargain I have o' you, you owld baste, says he; 'so come along at wanst, and he put out his claw to ketch him; but the colonel tuk a fast hould o' the Bible, and begged hard that he'd let him alone, and wouldn't harm him antil the bit o' candle that was just blinkin' in the socket before him was burned out.

"Say, Bruce," said Daggs, "was this heah palaverin' of yours an' Jean Isbel's aboot the old stock dispute? Aboot his father's range an' water? An' partickler aboot, sheep?" "Wal I I yelled a heap," declared Bruce, haltingly, "but I don't recollect all I said I was riled.... Shore, though it was the same old argyment thet's been fetchin' us closer an' closer to trouble."

Marthy and Trooper Tom were good friends and they were not working so hard that they were unable to have a little friendly chat. The Woman bore down upon them. "Well, if ever there was a time when there should be no hangin' round an' palaverin' that time is jist right now," she declared. "What d'ye think's the latest?" The two men looked at her, Marthy undisturbed, Trooper alert and eager.

"Well, well, mates," said Dick Darvall, a little impatiently, "seems to me that we're wastin' our wind, for the miserable wretch, bein' defunct, is beyond the malice o' red man or white. I therefore vote that we stop palaverin', 'bout ship, clap on all sail an' lay our course for home."

I'll keep quiet as long as there's any chance of all your palaverin' resulting in anything, but if the worst comes to the worst I'll show fight, even if I should have to stand alone with all the red devils in Newfoundland arrayed against me." "I honour your feelings, Captain Trench, but doubt your judgment. How do you propose to proceed?" "Will you join me? Answer me that question first."

Ye see I don't know how to talk to her, so you do the palaverin. Tell her right off, what I want. Say I hain't got much money, but a pair o' arems strong enuf to purtect her, thro' thick an' thro' thin, agin the dangers o' the mountain an' the puraira, grizzly bars, Injuns, an' all.