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"'But, Jim, pleads the Colonel, who hates to come off his vacation, 'if I fixes the Red Light say for fifteen drinks all 'round each day, don't you reckon you can prevail on them recalcitrant printers to put this reeconciliation off a week? "However, Enright, who at this p'int comes trailin' in, takes up the head-printer's side, an' shows the Colonel it's his dooty.

"Which means, sir, that we've head-reached on the brig to the extent of half a p'int within this last hour, and that, too, in a breeze and a sea so heavy that the brig ought to walk away from us hand over hand. Well, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself; but seein' is believin', I have heard say.

Raising the cask, with the stuff jingling and sploshing about inside, I brought it down on the p'int of a rock with a force that made it split open like a watermelon. In a few minutes every drop had soaked into the ground and it was a thousand miles to French Pete in St. Louis. "I had to tell Dick the truth the next morning. The minute he opened his eyes he went for his morning dram.

He said the Lord was jes as pore as anybody thar, and lived jes as rough; thet He made fences and barns n' ox-yokes 'n' sech like, an' He couldn't write His own name when He started out to save the worl'; an' when he come to the p'int whar His enemies tuk hol' of Him, the rider jes crossed his fingers up over his head 'n' axed us if we didn't know how it hurt to run a splinter into a feller's hand when he's loggin' or a thorn into yer foot when ye're goin' barefooted."

We will wed an' pop'late the earth with terror! Where is the sooicide who'll stand in my way?" "'At this p'int the Purple Blossom leaves off dancin' an' fronts up to me, personal. ""Whoopee!" he says; "say that you don't love the girl an' I'll give you one hundred dollars before I spills your life!"

Fourthly, it ain't goneter be easy to git away with what we does find with a couple of hundred natives at our heels, which they will be mighty soon. So, says I, we'd better quit dreamin' an' begin fishin' right erway." He paused to see what effect this had. Wilson nodded for him to go on. "Then we'll take another p'int; this here map starts from the hut where the heathen image lived.

"Und who might own dese farms, all oop and down der coontry, dat I sees?" "As the law now stands, Littlepage owns 'em; but if we alter the law enough, he wun't. If we can only work the Legislature up to the stickin' p'int, we shall get all we want. Would you believe it, the man wun't sell a single farm, they say; but wishes to keep every one on 'em for himself!

The widow continued her musings and finally she asked, "Where is West P'int, Jim?" "It's where they make foightin' men out of boys." "Is it far from here?" "I don't know. I can get there anyway." His mother looked at him and she saw pugnacity written all over him. His close-cropped red hair, which was of a beautiful shade and very thick, stood straight on end all over his head.

"Oh, here you are, sir!" he exclaimed in accents of evident relief. "I was just upon the p'int of goin' down to ask ye to come on deck again." "Indeed," said I. "Have there been any fresh developments, then, during the two or three minutes that I have been below?"

"Shore thing," he said, straightening up jauntily in his saddle, "that's my way! Be'n doin' it fer years, while you boys was killin' horses, but it takes Jeff hyar to see the p'int. Be gentle, boys, be gentle with um you don't gain nawthin' fer all yer hard ridin'." He cut off a chew of tobacco and tucked it carefully away in his cheek.