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Having ascertained all the facts and symptoms of the case, he told the family he thought Oscar was suffering from an attack of lung fever, and he then gave directions as to the manner in which the disease should be treated. He also wrote a recipe for some medicine, to be procured at the apothecary's.

Without knowing the cause the change in Oscar astonished me again and again, and in the course of this narrative I shall have to notice many instances of it. One other effect the friendship had of far-reaching influence.

However, we succeeded in making a good beginning by securing the passage of a law creating the Department of Commerce and Labor, and with it the erection of the Bureau of Corporations. The first head of the Department of Commerce and Labor was Mr. Cortelyou, later Secretary of the Treasury. He was succeeded by Mr. Oscar Straus. The first head of the Bureau of Corporations was Mr.

"Besides, see, madame, with what care they are being placed." "Oscar, don't stay more than two weeks, no matter how much they may ask you," continued Madame Clapart, returning to her son. "You can't please Madame Moreau, whatever you do; besides, you must be home by the end of September. We are to go to Belleville, you know, to your uncle Cardot." "Yes, mamma."

Prince Oscar thought this little episode a great joke, and repeated it to many people. Every one was delighted to hear the Swedish songs. Ambroise Thomas, who was there, said that he thought they were exquisite, especially the peasant song, which he had introduced into his new opera of "Hamlet." The Prince and I sang the duet, "I Rosens duft."

Oscar, who had been reading attentively a printed card tacked to the door of the room, broke in with the declaration that he was hungry, and that supper was served until ten o'clock at night. The others might talk all night, for all he cared; he intended to have some supper.

She fears it crawled away and wandered into the village and was killed. Isn't she a dear old goose?" "Was it the little trick-snake?" said Oscar. "What a shame!" Edmund said nothing; he was sorry for Lady Margaret and he was sorry for himself.

Then, going to the door, she paused as though by an afterthought, and repeated quite slowly the words: "Winkelried Vienna not later than Friday Chauvenet." "Shirley!" roared Claiborne. John Armitage bowed to the already vacant doorway; then bounded into the hall out upon the veranda and ran through the garden to the side gate, where Oscar waited.

But to tell the truth, he was not noted either for his studious habits or his correct deportment; and there was very little prospect that he would be considered a candidate for the "Franklin medals," which were to be distributed to the most deserving members of his class, when they graduated, the ensuing July. And yet Oscar was naturally a bright and intelligent boy.

Let mama decide," said Oscar, "yes, yes, yes," said each little girl, and each came flying with an eager petition to where we all sat. "Oh, oh, oh, little mother, how cruel you are." We laughed at this dismay, and Gatty said, "yes, I'll crunch their bones like Grumbo the giant."