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Updated: August 4, 2024

She listened a while with a half-amused smile on her lips: "Well, don't you think his spindles need oilin', Pap?" There was little but machinery in her life. Another hour found the old man tired, but still holding the sleeping child in his arms: "If I move her she'll wake," he said to himself. "Po' little Shiloh." He was silent a while and thoughtful.

"Well," said O'Reirdon, "and the divil may care if we never seen them; I'd rather depind an wind and canvas any day than the likes o' them! What are they good for, but to turn good sailors into kitchen-maids, bilin' a big pot o' wather and oilin' their fire-irons, and throwin' coals an the fire?

So do you strike up to Missee boldly. Mind what ee be at; and let 'em like it or leave it. For if so be as when a man has a got the Marygolds, why then let'n begin to speak for himself. Why not? Whereby I have now once again given the costard monger his pees and his cues. So that if so be as if a do find that sweet sauce be good for goose, why let'n a give his tongue an oilin.

"That's bogus," answered the lady. "I sense your oilin' me over. You git up and go and git a fresh pail of water." "I'd like to," Jim said, convincingly, "but the only time I ever broke my arm was when I went out for a bucket of water before breakfast." "You ain't agoin' is what you mean, with all them come-a-long-way-round excuses," she conjectured.

"Wants oilin', does she?" interpolated the butler, who had been standing anxiously near by. "A drop won't hurt her." "Much wrong with her, sir?" "Next to nothing, Ebenezer. She just needed a little readjusting and tightening up." "Praise de Lord! Then you're most through, sir." "Pretty near." "I'm clean afraid Mr. Hawley won't get back before you finish." "I'm not gone yet."

"Seems to me I saw somethin' flicker jest naow over yonder," said Uncle Salters, pointing to the northeast. "Can't be any of the fleet," said Disko, peering under his eyebrows, a hand on the foc'sle gangway as the solid bows hatcheted into the troughs. "Sea's oilin' over dretful fast. Danny, don't you want to skip up a piece an' see how aour trawl-buoy lays?" "She's all right," he hailed.

They'd lay down 'n' ramble till they dropped if I lets 'em. They liked it fine! "'I'll send Pixley around to-morrow, says Banks. 'I want you to teach her the jockey's crouch when she's on her horse. "Next mawnin' I'm oilin' up the dingus when a chicken pokes her little head out the back door of the livery-stable. "'Hello, kid, she says to me. "'Hello, girlie, I says back.

Give me but the wide world and one and 20, with 5 farthins ten fingurs and a tongue, and a turn me adrift to morrow; I'de a work my way: I'de a fear nether wind nor weather. For why? I'de a give any man a peck of sweet words for a pint of honey. What! Shall I let the lock rustee for a want of a little oilin?

I'm a regular little human garage when it comes to patchin' up those aggravatin' screws that need oilin'. And, say, don't let Norberg bully you. My name's Blackie. I'm goin' t' like you. Come on over t' my sanctum once in a while and I'll show you my scrapbook and let you play with the office revolver." And so it happened that I had not been in Milwaukee a month before Blackie and I were friends.

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