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I have one friend, a skillful practitioner they tell me, a linguist, and a metaphysician, a most agreeable and accomplished woman, who is in theory an extreme nihilist, and looks to see the present social and political order upset." "I don't see," Jack remarked, "what women especially are to gain by such a revolution." "Perhaps independence, Jack," replied Edith.

As for Nicholas, Claudius cared nothing what became of him, for he probably thought him a foolish Nihilist, and he knew enough of the Countess's character to be sure she would never let her brother suffer want, whatever his faults. So when he had concluded the affair he hastened to Berlin, telegraphing from thence the news of his immediate return.

The following of this new movement grew rapidly in every country, and already in 1881 a great demonstration of Most's ideas took place at the memorable International Revolutionary Congress in London, the holding of which was mainly due to the initiative of Most and the well-known Nihilist, Hartmann.

Is it true that Michael ah, no, I cannot believe it, for if he is unfaithful, whom can I trust?" "You must not cease to trust him entirely, yet, monsieur," I replied. "The charge against him is based upon evidence that may be disproved; but my drag net is out to-night, and the dawn will see nearly every nihilist in St. Petersburg in prison, or on the way out of Russia.

"He gave me certain instructions, in the event of my being able to satisfy myself that his death is the work of his Nihilist friends," said Gimblet, who thought it unnecessary to mention his disconcerting experience with the veiled lady, "And contrariwise, if I can make sure that they have no hand in it, it was his wish that I should then leave the whole thing alone.

Fandor drove back from his lips the cry of despair they were about to utter. He awaited the event. A Nihilist broke from the circle, went up to Fandor. "Fantômas! You have heard? You are about to die! What have you to say in your defence?" Fandor was dumb. "Fantômas! You would die unknown!

We will turn to dynamite, only when all else fails. Governor Pomeroff, will you join us in the attainment of these rights, which every civilized nation already possesses?" "No!" thundered the Governor, his eyes flashing. "Then I beg to call your excellency's attention to the fact that a trip to Siberia or to the gallows as a condemned Nihilist awaits you."

It was I also who saved from murder, by the Nihilist Klopman, Count Von und Zu Grafenstein, who was your mother's elder brother. It was I " Von Bork sat up in amazement. "There is only one man," he cried. "Exactly," said Holmes. Von Bork groaned and sank back on the sofa. "And most of that information came through you," he cried. "What is it worth? What have I done? It is my ruin forever!"

'I never met a Nihilist before, said Oswald to Ernest, in a half-undertone, and it never struck me to think what they might have to say for themselves from their own side of the question. 'That's one of the uses of coming here to Herr Schurz's, Ernest answered quickly.

"Akim and Petroff can never be Nihilists. The idea is absurd. I have never heard them say a word against the government or the Czar." Then he thought of their friend Katia, and how she had got him to aid in the escape of a Nihilist. "It is all nonsense," he murmured, "the idea of a girl like that being mixed up in a conspiracy."