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Updated: August 29, 2024

I didn't do it!" answered Nig, passionately, and then related the occur- rence truthfully. The discrepancy greatly enraged Mrs. Bell- mont. With loud accusations and angry ges- tures she approached the child. Turning to her husband, she asked, "Will you sit still, there, and hear that black nigger call Mary a liar?" "How do we know but she has told the truth?

"She's real hand- some and bright, and not very black, either." "Yes," rejoined Mary; "that's just like you, Jack. She'll be of no use at all these three years, right under foot all the time." "Poh! Miss Mary; if she should stay, it wouldn't be two days before you would be telling the girls about OUR nig, OUR nig!" retorted Jack. "I don't want a nigger 'round ME, do you, mother?" asked Mary.

But I was just tellin' Nig, here, that he's the only sure enough friend I've got that can be depended on not to fool anybody." "Why, Hagar!" Ruth was astonished and perhaps a little hurt by this pessimistic view. "What an odd idea for you to have! Who has fooled you, Hagar?" "Nobody," said the girl almost sullenly.

But the Colonel seemed to have thanked God prematurely. Down the snow drifted, soft, sticky, unending. The evening was cloudy, and the snow increased the dimness overhead as well as the heaviness under foot. They never knew just where it was in the hours between dusk and dark that they lost the trail. The Boy believed it was at a certain steep incline that Nig did his best to rush down.

She's like the little nig they carry." "Does that mascot sail with her?" "To be sure." "That settles it. Landlord, give us that sour mash." "Train's coming!" The drinks are hurriedly swallowed and paid for, and the men are off for the depot near by. "How are ye, Lockwin?" "How-dy-do, Corkey. Where have you got me? Going to murder me and get to Congress in my place?"

He only laughed, threw down the jacket, and began slapping Severn on the back; and he seconded him, sir, quite fair and square all through, just as if he knew all about fighting, though he is a nig Indian, sir. And there was a tremendous fight, till, after being a good deal knocked about, Severn was getting it all his own way, and finished off Slegge just as you came up, sir.

He had reached the dip in the saddle-back of the hill, and yes! this was the right trail; for down on the other side below him were faint lights huts an Indian village! with fish and food for everybody. And Nig Nig was being The Boy turned as if a hurricane had struck him, and tore back down the incline stumbling, floundering in the snow, calling hoarsely: "Colonel, Colonel! don't do it!

The first time she was left alone with Nig, she gave her a thorough beating, to bring up arrearages; and threatened, if she ever exposed her to James, she would "cut her tongue out." James found her, upon his return, sobbing; but fearful of revenge, she dared not answer his queries. He guessed their cause, and longed for returning health to take her under his pro- tection.

If I was waiting at a landing I would post some old "nig" what to say when I went on board, so while the passengers were all out on the guards and I was bidding the "coons" good-bye, my "nig" would cry out: "Good-bye, Massa George; I's goin' to take good care of the old plantation till you comes back."

The unlucky little "nig" in the meanwhile kept up the most unearthly yells, for so great was the depravity among them that they had rather have their palates down than up. Keeping their "palate locks" tied was a source of great trouble and worriment to Aunt Nancy.

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