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They do not nibble off the acorns one by one; but first break the branches which are loaded, and carry them all into one place generally into some fork where, seated like squirrels, on their great hams, they can discuss the meal at their leisure.

It stings sensitive folk with its intensity at close quarters, but when diffused is fragrance of ethereal delight. All day long birds frolic in the trees, some to cull the nectar, some to search for insects attracted for like purpose, some to nibble and discard white petals.

"Well, we seem to be doing fairly well," said Russ, as he and his companion settled down in the shelter, to nibble at a bit of hard tack and drink some of the water Jack had put on board. "Yes, I suppose it might be worse," agreed Mr. Sneed. And that, for him, was saying a great deal.

Otherwise, as the matter now sleepeth, so it will die, for the King must be taken in his humour when he begins to nibble at any bait, for else he will come away, and never bite a full bite while he liveth." There is no doubt that the bait, at which Henry nibbled with much avidity, was the maritime part of the Netherlands.

"I don't remember anything of the kind," said Bartley, languidly. "Well, I don't know as I can. I just have a dim recollection of language thrown out at the object, as old Matthew Arnold says. But it might have been something in Emerson." Bartley laughed "I didn't suppose you were such a reader, Kinney." "Oh, I nibble round wherever I can get a chance. Mostly in the newspapers, you know.

She made the promise with great decision, as well she might, for she had made up her mind to pocket all the food that was given to her except just a small morsel, which she would nibble in order to make believe that she was feeding!

Even the omnipresent policemen or park-keepers could not disturb the beatific impression on my mind. One feature, at all events, of the Golden Age was to be seen in the herds of deer that encountered you in the somewhat remoter recesses of the Park, and were readily prevailed upon to nibble a bit of bread out of your hand.

As all know, who have kept rabbits or white mice, the animals are always engaged in gnawing anything which will yield to their teeth, and unless the edges of their feeding troughs be protected by metal, will nibble them to pieces in a few days.

Within five paces of me there was a great fish, as long pretty nigh as the spar that I was grippin'. It's a mighty pleasant thing to have your legs in the water and a beast like that all ready for a nibble at your toes." "Mon Dieu!" cried the French soldier. "And he have not eat you?" Ephraim Savage's little eyes twinkled at the reminiscence. "I ate him," said he. "What!" cried Amos.

They are thought, also, to foresee both good and evil, and are considered vindictive, but yet capable of being conciliated by fair words and kindness. They are also very destructive among wearing-apparel, which they frequently nibble into holes; and this is always looked upon as a piece of revenge, occasioned by some disrespectful language used towards them, or some neglect of their little wants.