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Tom first visited the man who had a candy machine, in which the owner wanted to interest Mr. Damon. After seeing a demonstration and giving his opinion, he attended to his own affairs, in which his hand extinguisher played a part. Then he called on Mary Nestor at her relative's home. "Oh, but it's good to see you again, Tom!" cried Mary, after the first greeting.

Miss Mary Nestor had bidden our hero farewell the previous night it being a sort of second good-bye, for Tom was a frequent caller at her house, and, if the truth must be told he rather disliked to leave the young lady. Tom found a few of his friends at the station, who had gathered there to give him and Ned BON-VOYAGE. "Bring us back some nuggets, Tom," pleaded Arthur Norton.

"I've heard of this mysterious mine," was the guarded reply, "and I understand that this boy Nestor has a copy of the description." "Is that why you wanted Nestor?" asked Fremont. "Are you after the mine, too?" The big fellow walked on in silence. It was plain to Fremont that his abrupt questions were irritating him, so he decided to go on with them. "Are you one of the Tolford heirs?" he asked.

Especially when the talk of restoring Fremont to his friends was going on, the watchman had cast significant glances at Felix. "Was it a part of the conspiracy," Nestor asked, facing the three men, "to abduct Fremont if he left New York? Or was it the intention to murder him there?" Don Miguel turned to Nestor with a sneer on his rather handsome face.

The young inventor really brought two giants, brothers they were, but one had gone to a museum, and the other took service with our hero, making himself very useful when it came to lifting heavy machinery. Tom had a close friend in Ned Newton, who was employed in the Shopton bank. Another friend was Miss Mary Nestor, a young lady whose life Tom had once saved.

And I'm going to write to father and tell him all about the case, and say you are innocent, and he'll show the other newspapers where to head in at." "We've got to get the proof first," said Fremont. "The case looks dark for me," Fremont added with a sigh. "Nestor will soon be here, and he'll be glad to see you." "I hope he'll come before the police, do," said Frank.

Nestor was associated, wanted some views of remarkable scenes, such as fights among wild beasts, the capture of herds of elephants, earthquakes, and volcanos in action, and great avalanches in the Alps. Tom invented a wizard camera, and got many good views, though at times he was in great danger, even in his airship. Especially was this so at the erupting volcano.

But to take a portion as a more condensed representation of his art in combining all varieties into one harmonious whole: his genius is like the oratory of Nestor as described by its effects in the seventh and eighth stanzas.

He gave me several anecdotes of a noted pauper named Andrew Gemmells, or Gammel, as it was pronounced, who had once flourished on the banks of Galla Water, immediately opposite Abbotsford, and whom he had seen and talked and joked with when a boy; and I instantly recognized the likeness of that mirror of philosophic vagabonds and Nestor of beggars, Edie Ochiltree.

The last of the stores, provisions and supplies were put in the big car of the airship, a route had been carefully mapped out, and Tom, after saying good-bye to Mary Nestor, his father, the housekeeper, and Eradicate, took his place in the pilot house of the airship one pleasant morning at the beginning of Summer.