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"The annals of its recorded history reach over a period of twelve thousand years" replied Zuriel, . . "But 'tis the present fashion to count from the Deification of Nagaya or the Snake, and, according to this, we are now in the nine hundred and eighty-ninth year of so-called Grace and Knowledge, rather say Dishonor and Crime! ... for a crueler, more bloodthirsty creed than the worship of Nagaya never debased a people!

"No ye have not the mettle for that!" and Lysia smiled darkly, while the great eye on her breast flashed forth a sardonic lustre "Strong as ye all are, and young, ye lack the bravery of the weak old man who, mad as he may be, has at least the courage of his opinions! Who is there here that believes in the Sun as a god, or in Nagaya as a mediator?

"The King is a devout believer," remarked a dainty, effeminate-looking youth, arrayed in a wonderfully picturesque garb of glistening purple, "He pays his vows to Nagaya three times a day, at sunrise, noon, and sunset, and 'tis said he hath oft been seen of late in silent meditation alone before the Sacred Veil, even after midnight.

In China, whither the drafters of the code went for models, no restrictions were imposed on a sovereign's choice of wife. But the Japanese legislators clearly enacted that an Empress must be taken from among Imperial princesses. Prince Nagaya, in his position as minister of the Left, opposed any departure from that law and thus thwarted the designs of the Fujiwara.

Nagaya is the favorite object of the people's adoration, they may forget to pay their vows to the Sun, but never to Nagaya, who is looked upon as the emblem of Eternal Wisdom, the only pleader whose persuasions avail to soften the tyrannic humor of the Invincible Devourer of all things.

The body of Nir-jalis sank therein, 'tis true, . . but was there no after-means of lifting it from thence, and placing it where best such carrion should be found? Hath not the High Priestess of Nagaya slaves enough to work her will? ... Verily thou dost trouble thyself overmuch concerning these trivial every-day occurences, I marvel at thee!

Depart, O stainless Maid! ... depart hence, and betake thee to the Golden Throne of the Sun, our Lord and Ruler, . . and in the Name of Nagaya, may the shedding of thy virginal blood avert from us and ours the wrath of the Immortals! Linger no longer, . . Nagaya accepts thee! ... and the Hour strikes Death!"

At that instant, too, Nagaya himself seemed curiously excited and disturbed, his great glittering coils quivered so violently, as to shake the rod on which he was twined, . . and when his Priestess raised her mesmeric reproving eyes toward him, he bent back his head rebelliously, and sent a vehement hiss through the silence, like the noise made by the whirl of a scimitar.

But when these hints of rebellion declared themselves in the tremors running through the scaly twists of his body, Lysia looked up, and at once, compelled as it were by involuntary attraction, "Nagaya the Divine" looked down.

Turning toward this semblance of a prison-cell Lysia spoke aloud her clear tones floating with mellifluous slowness above the half-hushed quiverings of the cithern-choir: "Come forth, O Nagaya, thou who didst slumber in the bosom of Space ere ever the world was made! "Come forth, O Nagaya, thou who didst behold the Sun born out of Chaos, and the Earth enriched with ever-producing life!