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Melville was fond of horses, and still drove a handsome pair. "There comes Don Melville in his father's carriage. I don't wonder they hang on to it. Those horses are beauties," remarked Hal. The carriage stopped and Don jumped out. "Say, you muckers, things are happening and you won't be needed now on the 'Pollard." "Really?" drawled Jack indifferently.

Then the ball came from the box, but Hi was demoralized by the roar of laughter that swept over the field. A moment later the rather haughty captain of the North Grammar nine had been struck out and retired. His face was red, his eyes flashing. "Teall, we might expect something rowdyish from your crowd of muckers," declared Martin scornfully, as the sides changed.

The ball had been brought out, and now Foster was holding it directly in front of the center of the cross-bar. The south stand was cheering and singing wildly in a desperate attempt to rattle the Erskine captain. The latter looked around once, and the Robinson supporters, taking that as a sign of nervousness, redoubled their noise. "Muckers!" groaned Neil. Stone grinned.

Scattered here and there upon the sand, some not twenty feet from the tent, some a hundred yards, some few with a little straw under them, the most of them with their blankets thrown upon the sand or upon heaps of cut sage-brush, were Truxton's "muckers."

They're big enough for an elephant to make!" "They were made by muckers," Ned continued. "You know the kind of shoes the men who work in mines wear? Big ones, looking more like a mud scow than a shoe. They have turned some of the copper workers loose on us, little man." "Gee! How long will it take Pedro to get back?"

Evidently the whole party had been out for a cross country run. Now, the dozen or so were eagerly engaged in conversation. "It's too bad Purcell won't join us," remarked Davis. "Yes," nodded another fellow in the group; "he belongs with us." "Oh, well," spoke up Bayliss, "if Purcell would rather be with the muckers, let him." "Now, let's not be too rank, fellows," objected Hudson slowly.

I didn't realize how raw this deal was until you put it into words for me. I want to thank you. You're right. Bartholomew Berg is so darned high-principled that two muckers like you and me, groveling around in the dirt, can't even see the tips of the heights to which his ideals have soared. Don't stop me. I know I'm talking like a book.

"Just what I thought, or as bad, anyway," muttered Martin when the news was brought to him. "These muckers couldn't buy their uniforms, as our fellows did. They had to depend upon charity to make a good appearance on the field." "Hold on, there, Martin," angrily objected one of the Central fans. "I suppose it was charity, too, when you gave our fellows the game, eh?

The smoke of his cheap tobacco drifted into the faces of the group at the adjoining table, and Marcus strangled and coughed. Instantly his eyes flamed. "Say, for God's sake," he vociferated, "choke off on that pipe! If you've got to smoke rope like that, smoke it in a crowd of muckers; don't come here amongst gentlemen." "Shut up, Schouler!" observed Heise in a low voice.

We had a foreman who superintended our compartment, "a driller," who with a steam drill sat all day boring holes for dynamite, and we were the "muckers" miner's helpers who carried away with muscular power the effects of the explosion. Each alley had similar crews. "Mule boy!" I roared with all my vocal power into what looked like an ugly rent in the rocks.