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Chances are you'll break away when you get to where you're makin' it, anyway. This is kind of a special job, though. Demarest himself wrote a personal letter about the two jerkline skinners. They're not for him, it seems just to be shipped down with the other skinners and muckers and hard-rock men we're sendin' him. The jerkline skinners are for 'Jerkline Jo. Ever heard that name?

"I knew this cottage was the place for us," Bert whispered. "As I told you, Bayliss, this corner is a favorite meeting place for Prescott and his fellow muckers." "From what I hear, they're going to leave town for a few weeks," replied Bayliss. "Yes; going out into the wilds on some sort of fishing jaunt." "I wish we knew their plans better than we do," murmured Bayliss.

"Let's get into our suits and have some fun." "Pen'll not get into a bathing suit with these muckers," answered Jim, slowly. Pen, who had been thinking the same thing, immediately resented Jim's tone. "Of course I shall," she replied airily. "You can't boss me, Jim." "That's right, Pen," agreed Sara. "Let old Prunes sit here and swelter. You and I will have a dip."

Later, I learned that should the tunnel start to flood, the other half of the emergency curtain could be dropped so as to cut off the inrushing water. Men passed, pushing little cars full of "muck" or sand taken out from before the "shield" which is the head by which this mechanical mole advances under the river-bed. These men and others who do the shovelling are the "muckers."

It was in this year that there occurred the famous strife between the "soreheads" and their enemies, whom the former termed the "muckers." The "soreheads" were the sons of certain aristocratic families who resolved to secede from football in case any of the members of Dick & Co. or of other poor Gridley families, were allowed to make places on the team.

Cassidy shrank away with a furtive glance of envy and hate at me, whom Dominick treated with peculiar consideration, I think it was because I was the only man of education and of any pretensions to "family" in official position in his machine. He used to like to class himself and me together as "us gentlemen," in contrast to "them muckers," meaning my colleagues.

"It was over fellows just like them that the whole trouble started." "And there's Dalzell, Hazelton and Hanshew. Griffith is just behind them." "Yes; all muckers," nodded Dodge. "There's Coach Morton." "Of course; he has to attend," replied Dodge, coming toward the shuttered window. "But I'll wager old Morton isn't feeling over-happy this afternoon." "I don't know," grumbled Bayliss.

Then rays of sun-fire shot up and splashed the purple billows; the purple and gold later gave place to black clouds through which the stars came one by one, while the muckers were settling down for the night. It seemed at first as if I would have to commit some crime to get admission to the stockade where the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company had their largest convict labour force.

"To get square with those muckers, who drove us out of Gridley High School and out of town is my only excuse for living at present," sniffed Bayliss. "Dick!" "Yes?" replied Prescott, turning and looking back at Tom, whose turn it now was to furnish motive power to the loaded cart. "How far did you say it was from Gridley to the second lake?" asked Reade. "Sixteen miles."