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"How can you, Moritz?" answered Billy, and he could hear from her voice that she was weeping. "I I am longing so terribly for Boris." The arm against which Billy was leaning trembled slightly; it was as if its muscles tightened.

She was estranged, perhaps forever, from her only son, who was the idol of her mother's heart. "I have nothing against you, Moritz," she said heartily. "I knew you would be true to the old friendship in spite of all that you and your daughter were made to suffer; but of course it is very painful for me to go to Fürstenstein; you must see that." "On account of the broken engagement?

They climb the opposite side, quite slippery in places, but "helping one another up;" no Saxons there till you get fairly atop, which was an oversight on the Saxon part. Fairly atop, Moritz is saluted by the Saxons with diligent musket-volleys; but Moritz also has musket-volleys in him, bayonet-charges in him; eager to help his old Papa at this hard pinch.

Winthrop, in a pleasant vein, presented his friend to Pope Pius IX as a gentleman who, though unmarried, had hundreds of children; whereupon the Pope, taking him literally, held up his hands and answered, "Fi donc! fi donc!" Our stay at St. Moritz was ended by a severe snowstorm early in August. That was too much.

Our old friend and family physician, who had come to Hosterwitz in September to visit me, wished to have me near him, and in those days there was probably no one who deserved more confidence; for Heinrich Moritz Romberg was considered the most distinguished pathologist in nervous diseases in Germany, and his works on his own specialty are still valued.

My trifling occupations take up my time and amuse me, and I am rewarded for any exertions by seeing none but happy, kind faces around me. Since you left us, but one change has taken place in our little household. Do you remember on what occasion Justine Moritz entered our family? Probably you do not; I will relate her history, therefore in a few words.

I have never seen any one seek flowers in the field and forest so eagerly, and she made them into beautiful bouquets, which Louis Gallait called "bewitching flower madrigals." Moritz Hartmann had not fully recovered from the severe illness which nearly caused his death while he was a reporter in the Crimean War.

It is intended for well people; it animates and inspires them to fresh vigor. Now please to consider yourself well, and not ill." "I am ill, indeed I am ill," sighed Moritz. "Oh! continue to regard me with those eyes, which shine like stars into my benighted soul.

Let all those who thirst for chalybeate waters bear in mind that the Ute Iron Spring of Manitou is 800 feet higher than St. Catarina, the highest iron spring in Europe, and nearly 1000 feet higher than St. Moritz; and that the bracing air at an elevation of 6400 feet has probably as much to do with the recovery of the invalid as has the judicious quaffing of medicinal waters.

"Yes, sire, many warm and sympathizing friends, who are much attached to him, and, on account of his distinguished and brilliant qualities, are willing to indulge his peculiarities." "Herzberg, you are charmed, and speak of this man as a young girl in love!" "Sire, if I were a young girl, I should certainly fall in love with this Moritz, for he is handsome." "Diable! I begin to fear this subject.