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Oh! how he sucked it up, and his wild eye calmed, and the liquid life ran through all his frame! It was hardly in his stomach before he got up of his own accord, and gave a most sonorous moo, intended no doubt to express the sentiment of "never say die." George drove them all to the grassy sponge, and kept them there till sunset.

"I rather think, mother, it was only thoughtlessness," said David, by way of excusing Dwight. "No; because he knew that it gave Caleb pain, and it was, in fact, for the very purpose of giving him pain, that Dwight did it. If he had been saying moo accidentally, without thinking of troubling Caleb, that would have been thoughtlessness; but it was not so.

Gien ye wad lat a body speyk 'at kens naething,'cep' 'at oot o' the moo' o' babes an' sucklin's an'troth I'm naither babe nor sucklin' this mony a lang, but I'm a muckle eneuch gowk to be ane o' the Lord's innocents, an' hae him perfec' praise oot o' the moo' o' me! She paused a moment, feeling it was time the laird should say something-which immediately he did.

They thought she had gone, but she turned once more to add a final suggestion. "I think that dress could be fixed," she said, "if you took it to some one who knew about such things." She disappeared amidst the graveyard shrubbery. Captain Cy and Bos'n slowly followed her. From the pasture the red and white cow sent after them a broken-spirited "Moo!" Bos'n was highly indignant.

"I kenna hoo I never thoucht o' sic a thing afore," answered Janet, leaning her broom against the wall, and dusting a chair for her visitor; "but this mornin', whan my man an' me was sittin' at oor brakfast, there cam' sic a clap o' thunner, 'at it jist garred the bit hoosie trim'le; an' doon fell a snot o' soot intil the very spune 'at my man was cairryin' till's honest moo.

So Marjorie read the cow's note: "Mopsy Midge, come out to play; I've waited for you all the day. In the Garden and by the brook, All day for you I vainly look. With anxious brow and gaze intense I lean against the old rail fence, And moo and moo, and moo, and moo, In hopes I may be heard by you. And if I were not so forlorn, I think I'd try to blow my horn.

And there the ungainly form lies today a long, black-rock island known as Moo Kuna, between the rapids where every freshet, every heavy rain, beats upon it as though in everlasting punishment for plotting the death of Hawaii's beloved goddess, Hina. Many years ago there lived on the Island of Tahiti several brothers, all very gifted and powerful gods of that land. One was by name Paoa.

Henry had not come back. Leaning over the edge of the calf's pen, Bunny dipped the brush in the paint, and began striping the baby cow. "Baa-a-a-a-a!" went the little animal, and the old cow went: "Moo!" Again and again Bunny Brown dipped the brush in the green paint the hired man had left, and stripe after stripe did the little fellow put on the calf.

A skylark twitted earth's creatures from its aerial height. A cow, munching in endless meditation on its unfretful existence, emitted a philosophic moo. Selwyn smiled, and let his mind wander listlessly through the fields of his impressions.

But, POP! up came an old witch, and whipped off her head, and stuck a calf's head on her shoulders instead; and so the Princess ran back into the room on all-fours, and began to 'moo' like a calf.