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Then I noticed that he was an Englishman, and I all but chuckled with delight. However, I said, "No offense intended," and clapped him on the shoulder with a friendly smile. "He's a good fellow, my man Monson, and knows a lot about horses." Miss Ellersly bit her lip and colored, but I noticed also that her eyes were dancing.

Neither the mechanics of ship-building, nor the experience of mariners, had attained so great perfection as could serve for the security and government of such bulky vessels; and the English, who had already had experience how unserviceable they commonly were, beheld without dismay their tremendous appearance. * Monson, p. 158. Bentivoglio, part ii. lib. iv.

Monson, on the other hand, and Greene, the English consul at Scutari, exerted their influence in every way for the principality, and but for them the supplies of grain from Russia, which had been sent on during the armistice and had been maliciously delayed by the authorities at Scutari as they came by water through the Boyana, would probably have been stopped at the critical moment by the outbreak of hostilities.

Lady Monson, though less of a sportswoman than Lady Donoughmore or Mrs. Langhorne-Shaw, is, if anything, more devoted to country life in England than either, for a very great part of every year she spends, by preference, at her husband's beautiful home, "Barton Hall," and there she entertains not only extensively and luxuriously, but chiefly the diplomats, domestic and foreign.

On the 29th the corps reached Rampoora; where a reinforcement of two battalions of Sepoys, six guns, and a body of cavalry, together with a supply of grain forwarded by Lord Lake from Agra, awaited them. Notwithstanding this reinforcement, Colonel Monson considered it his duty to continue his retreat and, on the 22nd of August, reached the Banass, which was also in flood.

Her face did not change as she spoke, and there was no friendliness in her tone, but he thanked God that he was, and looked, ill. "My heart is weak, I believe; nothing organic. It is very warm, and I never can bear heat. You look tired yourself." She nodded absently. "Yes, I have been away at the Bertie Monson's. Nelly Monson always gives me a headache, she talks so loud.

There was another white man on the crew, but the rest were negroes. Monson was billed already for Martinique and Trinidad, and that was why I dealt with him, and got him cheap for a short trip beyond Tobago. Stevey Todd set out for the north to find some relatives he thought he had, but found none to his mind, and concluded he was an orphan.

Wheler, one of their own body, to succeed Hastings, and sent out orders that General Clavering, as senior member of Council, should exercise the functions of Governor-General till Mr. Wheler should arrive. But, while these things were passing in England, a great change had taken place in Bengal. Monson was no more. Only four members of the government were left.

My not very easy task was to learn the subtle difference between the abrupt that injects a tonic into social intercourse, and the abrupt that makes the other person shut up with a feeling of having been insulted. Then, there was the matter of good taste in conversation. Monson found, as I soon saw, that my everlasting self-assertiveness was beyond cure.

"Well I'll see him," said I. I despised him too much to dislike him, and I thought he might possibly be in want. But that notion vanished the instant I set eyes upon him. He was obviously at the very top of the wave. "Hello, Monson," was my greeting, in it no reminder of his treachery. "Howdy, Blacklock," said he. "I've come on a little errand for Mrs. Langdon."