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"But I have promised your aunt to play some evening; we had quite a long dispute." "You do not like to play in public?" asked Helen. The question was a perfectly natural one, but it happened unfortunately that as the girl asked it her glance rested upon the figure of her companion. The man chanced to look at her at the same instant, and she saw in a flash that her thought had been misread.

In the second place, unless I have greatly misread history, our first bishop, both in his work in this diocese and also in the part he took in bringing about for our whole Church the happy settlement of 1789, followed on the line of action indicated in the Concordate, patiently and unswervingly; and in following it, he was guided by that integrity in purpose and discretion in action which characterize the wise and efficient ruler.

It was all simple and intelligible enough a situation that would be misread only by shallow idealism. Worst of all, she was attracted by Jasper Milvain's energy and promise of success.

"Listen!" he repeated as a final encouragement, because he had sensed her preoccupation and had misread it for worry over the picture. "You go ahead and shoot, and don't bother about me. Make it real. Shoot as close as you like. If you pink me a little I won't care, if you'll promise to be my nurse. I want a vacation, anyway."

"Not wise?" said she, her countenance scornful. "You mean that I may see more than was intended for me. What game do you play here, sir, that you tell me one thing and show me by your actions that you desire another?" He did not need to ask her what she meant. At once he perceived how she had misread the scene she had witnessed.

Marry her take her away and get to some quiet place where you will be unknown. You will be happy with her, or I have strangely misread her." "Can't," Bertram dolefully answered. "Not a farthing." "I'll help you." Bertram grasped my hand. His difficulty was removed. I continued rapidly, "Give me your address. I'll see Sharp, and, if they permit me, Mrs. Daker.

Soapy took one glance at his new card and came in with a raise. Blackwell slammed his fist down on the table. "Just my rotten luck. You've filled." Stone smiled, then dropped his eyes to his cards. Suddenly he started. What had happened was plain. He had misread his hand. With a cheerful laugh Blackwell raised in his turn. "Lets me out," Sam said.

Divergences there are, for our law is more than a republication of the law written on men's hearts. Though the one agrees with the other, yet the area which they cover is not the same. The precepts of the one, like some rock-hewn inscriptions by forgotten kings, are weathered and indistinct, often illegible, often misread, often neglected.

Christians, they claimed, determine in the exercise of their sovereign liberty what they may or may not do. Being under grace, they are superior to the Law and a law unto themselves. At first Luther had been inclined to treat this error mildly, because it seemed incredible to him that enlightened children of God could so fatally misread the teaching of God's Word.

Katherine resumed: "Once wedded, I knew what became a wife. And then, then weak woman that I was! I wrapped myself in scorn and pride. Nay, I felt deep anger was it unjust? that thou couldst so misread and so repay the heart which had nothing left save virtue to compensate for love.