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On past the mossy stone, like an overgrown and illiterate milestone, which marks the boundary between Mershire and Salopshire; and then through a typical English village, noteworthy because the rites of Mayday, with May-queen and May-pole to boot, are still celebrated there exactly as they were celebrated some three hundred years ago.

A phrase or two not intended for Hunsdon's unsuspecting eye assured her of that. It was not an old sonnet furbished up to fit the purpose of a friend. And fragile as the thing was, still it was poetry and he had written it when sober and to her She repeated this discovery many times before she could give shape to the greater thought building in her brain. It was a beginning, a milestone.

Nan knew full well that this short interview was as a milestone in her life, and that at one step she had left behind the careless days of youth.

The twenty-eighth year, the beginning of the fifth period, is another milestone along the road to development. The sixth period, beginning at the age of thirty-five and ending at forty-two, is marked by reactions, changes and crises.

The King and Queen of the town will come out to meet you, leading a little child with them. Whatever you do, don't kiss the child, or you will forget me and all that has happened to us. I will wait for you here for three days. The Prince hurried to the town, but Hyacinthia remained behind disguised as a white milestone on the road.

The Doctor shrugged up his shoulders, and confessed he preferred the scenery of Putney and Kew, where a man could go comfortably to sleep in his chaise, without being in momentary terror of being hurled headlong down a precipice. Mr Milestone observed, that there were great capabilities in the scenery, but it wanted shaving and polishing.

In the silence and stillness and brooding heat, the larks came and dusted themselves in the white impalpable powder of the road. Farther away the partridges stole quietly to an anthill at the edge of some barley. By the white road, a white milestone, chipped and defaced, stood almost hidden among thistles and brambles.

He it was who managed everything, from the first sorrowful days up to the closing of the tiny upper flat where so much had happened: not great things of vast outward importance, but small ones, little miseries and mortifications and struggles and self-denials and victories, that made the past half year a milestone in his life. A week finished it all!

"My dear Brothers and Friends, Rejoice at my good fortune and join me in prayers to heaven. I send you a copy of my hasty note to Sir George. Let me know that you are all united and happy. And so it came about that in this strange and noble fashion General Brock "Master Isaac of St. Peter's Port" overcame the enemy in the wilds of Michigan and passed his fourth milestone.

As you are so complimentary, I think I shall put you down at the foot of this hill; we have passed the second milestone from Hollingford. 'Oh, let me just go up to the top! I know we can see the blue range of the Malverns from it, and Dorrimer Hall among the woods; the horse will want a minute's rest, and then I will get down without a word.