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Updated: August 21, 2024

Miss Meechim didn't reply; I guess she dassent, and I didn't say anything, and Arvilly went on: "Our serpent worship is as bad agin as these Hindus', for after their snakes are fed and worshipped they shet 'em up agin so they can't do any harm.

"Well," sez she, "I am glad he found you so soon, for, to tell the truth, I wuz beginnin' to worry a little myself." Miss Meechim said she thought I had gone into some shrine to worship. That was a great idee! off with four Arabs huntin' a shrine at that time of night! The next day we started for Jerusalem by way of Joppa and Ismalia.

We wanted to go there, but hadn't time. But to resoom backwards a spell. Miss Meechim and Dorothy was perfectly awe-struck to see and hear the Falls, and I didn't wonder. But I had seen it before with my beloved pardner by my side, and it seemed to me as if Niagara missed him, and its great voice seemed to roar out: "Where is Josiah? Where is Josiah? Why are you here without him?

He paid considerable attention to Dorothy, too, but Miss Meechim said that she didn't worry about Dorothy at all since I would chaperone her, and Robert wuz going to protect her from any possible lover.

She wuz a darling girl, always sweet tempered, always trying to help somebody; Dorothy loved her just as much as though she wuz her sister and would have treated her exactly like one if it hadn't been for Miss Meechim.

Dorothy and Miss Meechim and Robert Strong come back pretty soon from a tower of sight-seein', and they said we'd all been invited to tiffen with the Governor-General the next day. Well, I didn't have the least idee what it wuz, but I made up my mind to once that if tiffenin' wuz anything relatin' to gamblin' or the opium trade, I shouldn't have a thing to do with it.

And we parted to meet agin in the mornin' to resoom our voyage to Jonesville blessed harbor where we could moor our two barks, Josiah's and mine, and be at rest. Miss Meechim and Dorothy and Robert laid out to start for California the next day, as business wuz callin' Robert there loud and he had to respond. And I may as well tell it now as any time, for it has got to be told.

No tongue can tell the luxury and elegance of them abodes, and so I hain't a goin' to git out of patience with my tongue if it falters and gins out in the task. The next mornin' while Miss Meechim and Dorothy wuz to the lawyers, tendin' to that bizness of hern and gittin' ready for their long tower, Robert Strong took me through one of them palaces.

Miss Meechim wuz nigh by and I see she had gone almost into spazzums of admiration over it, and on our family's account, didn't want to fall too low down in her estimation, so I wunk at him and whispered, "Josiah, that is the celebrated Sikey; it is the proper thing to fall into extacies of admiration and wonder when you see it."

Josiah thought that it wuz on his account that we wuz invited; he thinks he is a ornament to any festive throng. But 'tennyrate invited we wuz, and go we did, the hull caboodle on us, all but Tommy, who stayed to home with the good English maid that Miss Meechim had hired to take Aronette's place, but never, never to fill it. Oh, Aronette! sweet girl! where are you? Where are you?

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