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"Signed by Hugh Mainwaring in the presence of the following witnesses: William J. Barton, M. D. Montague, Joseph P. Sturgiss, M.D., M. J. Wheating, M.D., Daniel McCabe and C. D. Merrick." At the conclusion of this statement, there was shown in evidence the rusty metallic box-dragged from the lake with the keys and the knotted, blood-stained handkerchief found therein.

But I kept urgin' and arguin', and at last they gave in. They'd show me the outsides, anyway; that is, Luella might, if she wanted to. Mrs. Pedders didn't even want to see the box. "I meant to have burned them long ago," says she. "They're just letters from idle, cruel people, that's all. And you don't know how many such there are in the world, Mr. McCabe. I hope you never will know.

The grey man, having vainly deciphered all the names on one side of the vestibule, straightened up and turned his attention to the opposite wall, either unconscious of or indifferent to the shuffle of feet on the stoop behind him. The short, thick-set man removed one hand from a pocket and tapped the grey man gently on the shoulder. "Lookin' for McCabe, Anisty?" he inquired genially.

"As regards the natives mentioned in the first charge, McCabe states that he did not lose sight of them all the time they were together, and as they were not searched in his presence the passes could therefore not have been found. They were captured on a farm in British territory.

Unknown to the world I am Jones Harvey; to live for you: to love you: to dare; if need be, to die for you. 'Well, you surprise me! said Miss McCabe. The narrator is unwilling to dilate on the delights of a privileged affection. In this love affair neither of the lovers could feel absolutely certain that their affection was privileged.

For a recent statistical study of the subject see an article by Ogburn and Kelley in the Journal of the American Statistical Ass'n. for September, 1916. See D. A. McCabe, page 54, and 162-3 for a review of trade union policy in this matter, "The Standard Rate in American Trade Unions." Case of the Broken Hill Proprietary Company vs. Federated Engine Drivers' and Foremen's Association of Australia.

It came out during the conversation that Tim McCabe had not a dollar to his name, and he spoke the truth when he said that he had not eaten a mouthful that day. It would have gone hard for him but for the arrival of Jeff Graham, though there is such a lively demand for labor in Juneau that he must have soon found means to provide himself with food.

Before they had gone a quarter of a mile he discovered the omission and pulled up, explaining what had happened. "It won't take me five minutes to go back for them," he added, gathering up his reins. "I'll go with yuh," said McCabe promptly. "With a little hustlin', we can easy catch up with the gang before they get to the pasture." "Well, speed up, both of yuh," admonished Lynch.

Old McCabe, the road mender, overtook us and for the rest of the journey I was seen but not heard. That night I sat by her side in the chimney-corner and recited the events of the day. It had been full of magic, mystery and meaning to me. The meaning was a little clearer to me after the recital. "Withero sometimes talks like a ha'penny book wi' no laves in it," she said.

This will make our case absolutely incontrovertible; but, first, we must secure that man at all hazards and at any cost just as quickly as possible; think what a witness he will make!" "Just what I had in mind" was the response, "and McCabe is the man to locate him if he is upon the face of the earth.