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"We-ll, is dat so?" the yellow rascal drawled. "So youh-all's de new la'rd, eh? Well, ah'm de king o' de Sawdust Pile, an' mah house is mah castle. Git dat, Mistah La'rd?" Donald turned toward Nan. "I'm going to have trouble here, Nan. Please go in the house." "Proceed," she replied simply. "I have a most unwomanly and unladylike desire to see that beast manhandled."

I will be relieved when I get good and ready, and I will not be ready until I get back from Antofagasta. Shipped crew yesterday afternoon. All arrived drunk. Next morning all hands sober. Realizing predicament, riot resulted. Fearing lose crew, Murphy and I manhandled and locked in fo'castle. When your telegram arrived it found Murphy minus front tooth, myself black eye.

Claws hooked painfully under his arms and he was manhandled up and out, dragged along a short passage and pitched free of the ship, falling hard upon trodden earth and rolling over gasping as the seared skin of his body was rasped and abraded.

The man who called us said that the little squarehead the lad Swope had manhandled had again fallen afoul the masters. The hurts Swope had inflicted prevented the boy moving about as quickly as Mister Fitzgibbon desired, so the bucko had laid him out and walked upon him during the mid-watch. When he was through, the lad had crawled on his hands and knees into the foc'sle, and collapsed.

His head lay powerless upon her breast, and his opened hands surrendered to her strength. The many-rooted tree above him, and even the dead manhandled wood beside, knew what he sought, as he himself did not know. Hour upon hour he lay deeper than sleep.

And other armies were fighting in the vineyards of France as were these in the piney hills of the ancient shepherd kings; and what a fertilizing it was for the manhandled lands of Europe potash and phosphor and nitrogen in the perfect solution of the human blood. More and more Boylan saw that Peter was queer. "I can't think," the latter would say.

Harry Green probably never knew how narrowly he escaped being manhandled by the enraged but helpless Brian. Brian remained on the porch until he saw the man, in his boat, leave the eddy at the foot of the garden and row away up the river. In the house, again, the two faced each other in dismay.

Then he replied: "One of our largest and strongest warriors was strangled nearly to death last night. Nobody could have done it but Ware." Paul laughed loud. "And so that's your evidence!" he cried. "Well, you're mistaken. I did that myself. I was needing a little exercise and so I went out, found this warrior in the grass and manhandled him. Then I came back feeling a lot better."

A woman can sob from the top of her palate, or her lips, or anywhere else, but a man cries from his diaphragm, and it rends him to pieces. Also, the exhibition causes the throat of the on-looker to close at the top. "Poor devil!" said the colonel, coughing tremendously, "We ought to send him to hospital. He's been manhandled." Now the adjutant loved his rifles.

"I'm dogged by your spies Heaven knows why! lured to this place, butted bodily into the arms of a gang of ruffians to be manhandled, and finally locked up in a dark cell. I don't suppose you've got the nerve to call that courteous treatment."