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As for Julie's chief there was nothing to be seen of him. "Where can the chief have gone, ma maitresse? Will the braves not know that he has played them false? Oh it was so selfish not to think of him;" and she turned again in her saddle, and once more scanned the plains for sight of her lover. "Julie need not fear for the chief. He is very likely in that cottonwood bluff near where we parted."

Madame Reuter looked more like a joyous, free-living old Flemish fermiere, or even a maitresse d'auberge, than a staid, grave, rigid directrice de pensionnat.

... Tu as le coeur a rire, Moi je l'ai a pleurer, J'ai perdu ma maitresse Sans pouvoir la r'trouver, Pour un bouquet de roses Que je lui refusai Il y a longtemps que je t'aime, Jamais je ne t'oublierai.

Thomas Tobyson of Tottenwood in Henri de Regnier's La Double Maitresse. For the most part the manners and customs of this type of man are only known to us by hearsay which we may refuse to credit. But about Thicknesse there is no manner of doubt; he has written himself down; he is the veridic and positive embodiment of the type. That is his supreme distinction.

DEAR M., We received the invitation for the first ball at the Tuileries before my mother-in-law had presented me to the Grande Maitresse Duchesse de Bassano; but her reception-day being on the same day as the ball I was able, fortunately, to go there and to be presented to her. Mrs. M preferred to make the "preliminary steps" with me in her wake.

A voice began to chant: Je n'sais comment faire, Comment concillier Ma maitresse et mon pere, Le Code et Bullier. "Drop it! Oh, drop it!" growled Rhodes, and sent a handful of billiard chalk at the singer. Mr Clifford returned a volley of the Cafe spoons, and continued: Mais c'que je trouve de plus bete, C'est qu' i' faut financer Avec ma belle galette, J'aimerai mieux m'amuser.

There was not much consolation in this for Annette's foreboding heart; but as she lay down in her blanket, with Julie at her side, there came once more, through the stillness, from the bosom of the lake, the soothing song of the swan. "Do you hear it again, Julie?" Yes, Julie heard it: It was, without any doubt, singing to quiet the groundless apprehensions of sa maitresse.

There was an instinctive, unreasonable distrust of any of the old families whose names and antecedents had kept them apart from any republican movement. We had pleasant afternoons in the big drawing-room. In the morning we did what we liked. The Maîtresse de Maison never appeared in the drawing-room till the twelve o'clock breakfast.

At fifty-six it is silly to waste two days visiting some one you don't want to see. But there, Edmond is like that. Oh! the stability when he says 'my wife. It is superb. It must be grand, too, when he says 'ma maitresse'; he has the property sense. And how he adores women, woman, all women, any woman. Even sometimes me. And when he doesn't, he keeps the habits. Toujours des petits soins.

I heard our own bell at the same time, and that of a certain public college immediately after. Order dissolved instantly; up started every pupil, I hastened to seize my hat, bow to the maitresse, and quit the room before the tide of externats should pour from the inner class, where I knew near a hundred were prisoned, and whose rising tumult I already heard.