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Each member thinks for himself, and takes no account of the others. That's how it happens." Prudence squirmed uncomfortably in her chair. "I wish you wouldn't mention names, Fairy," she begged. "I do not object to lumping them in a body and wondering about them. But I can't feel right about calling them out by name, and criticizing them.

"Take the old man in, and give him whatever is going, and his mug and pipe," then he whispered her, "and don't go lumping the chine down under his nose now." "I thank you, young man," faltered Isaac, "I must not eat with you, but I will go in and rest my limbs which fail me, and compose myself; for passion is unseemly at my years."

Trumbull had departed with a fine bow, Solomon, leaning forward, observed to his sister, "You may depend, Jane, my brother has left that girl a lumping sum." "Anybody would think so, from the way Mr. Trumbull talks," said Jane. Then, after a pause, "He talks as if my daughters wasn't to be trusted to give drops." "Auctioneers talk wild," said Solomon. "Not but what Trumbull has made money."

"Occasionally pretty women do abhor their growing up daughters," commented Coombe letting his eyes rest on her interestedly. "I don't abhor her," with pathos touched with venom. "But a big, lumping girl hanging about ogling and wanting to be ogled when she is passing through that silly age! And sometimes you speak to me as a man speaks to his wife when he is tired of her."

"He thinks us sophisticated, he thinks us worldly, he thinks us wicked, he thinks us all sorts of queer things," Strether reflected; for wondrous were the vague quantities our friend had within a couple of short days acquired the habit of conveniently and conclusively lumping together.

Mat. How can I help dying, Susan? Sus. I say, Don't do it, Mattie. We'll fall out, if you do. Don't do it, Matilda La! there's that lumping Bill again always a comin' up the stair when you don't want him! Enter BILL. Mat. Well, Bill, how have you been getting on? Bill. Pretty tollol, Mattie. But I can't go on so. Mat. What ain't respectable? Everything's respectable that's honest. Bill.

The gentlemen were amused by the Giles Scroggins air, which she had delivered with a sufficient sense of its lumping fun and leg-for-leg jollity, and they laughed and applauded; but the ladies were silent after the performance, until the moment came to thank her for the entertainment she had afforded them: and then they broke into gentle smiles, and trusted they might have the pleasure of hearing her another night.

If the various issues could be segregated and each voted upon separately, it is conceivable that not one of them would command a majority of the entire vote; and yet, by lumping them all together and skilfully pushing to the front and emphasizing each article of its creed before the class or in the region where it would find most support, the party may secure a popular majority for its platform as a whole.

How he loathed and detested the lumping boys! Now a fresh start! Hurrah! That was like Rosalie's father in those days. That way blew the cold fit and the hot fit then.

With lumping gait and heavy footsteps the team marched round the field, and drew up beside the beaming "Personal Charms," who despite the blasts of easterly wind through summer muslin blouses, continued to smile, and smile, and smile.