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Endicott arose still holding the lorgnette to her eyes, though she showed that the interview was drawing to a close: "Then young man," she said, "it will be necessary for me to tell you that the things you have been saying are not considered proper to speak of before ladies in respectable society.

Bobby turned his opera-glasses at once upon that box, and pressed Jack Starlett into service. Being thus attracted, the ladies of the Starlett box, mystified and unable to extract any explanation from the two gleeful men, were compelled, by force of circumstances and curiosity, also to opera-glass and lorgnette the sufferers.

"Well, nothing's queer to me in the hill country. But you see some characters here." He nodded over his shoulder to where Whitwell stood by the flag-staff, waiting the morning impulse of the ladies. "There's one of the greatest of them now." The lady put up a lorgnette and inspected Whitwell. "What are those strange things he has got in his hatband?"

Softer than a whisper and noisier than a cry was her thought: "I don't want to be alone, I am afraid to be alone." Kedzie wanted to be a lady, and with the ladies stand a tall tiara in her hair, a lorgnette in her hand. She had succeeded dizzily, tremendously, in her cinema career.

At lectures he was seldom seen, but more frequently in the theatres, where he used to come in during the middle of the first act, take his station in front of the orchestra box, and eye, through his lorgnette, by turns, the actresses and the ladies of the parquet. Two months passed, and then came the great annual ball which the students give at the opening of the second semester.

When he went to bed, too, he gave the Duc d'Albe his candlestick; an honour the importance of which I have already described. At the other balls Madame des Ursins seated herself near the Grand Chamberlain, and looked at everybody with her lorgnette.

Chichester was evidently either not listening, or was entirely unimpressed. She was tapping her left hand with a lorgnette she held in her right, and was waiting for an opportunity to speak. Consequently, Mr. Hawkes stopped politely. "If you can persuade her to remain with us, I will do anything you wish in regard to her character and its development."

"We enjoy it all very much," Emily answered, adding imploringly, "please don't call her a little half-breed woman. She's such a dear little thing, Lady Maria." Lady Maria indulged in the familiar chuckle and put up her lorgnette to examine her again. "There's a certain kind of early Victorian saintliness about you, Emily Walderhurst, which makes my joy," she said.

"Then row for the shore instantly," said Lady Warburton firmly, "and should I never reach it alive" here she brought her lorgnette to bear on Lisbeth "I say if I do meet a watery grave this day, my epitaph shall be, 'Drowned by the Ingratitude of a Niece."

Dolores jumped to a chair and sank into it with an air of elegant languor. "Yes, mamma. This ah driving in moist weather is so fatiguing, don't you find it?" Mrs. Gantry disposed herself upon the comfortable seat that she had selected, and raised her gold lorgnette. "Do not forget that the ball Genevieve has so generously promised you is to be honored by the presence "