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High leaped the noblest hart of all the herd, only to fall dead, reddening the green path with his heart's blood. "Ha!" cried Robin, "how likest thou that shot, good fellow? I wot the wager were mine, an it were three hundred pounds." Then all the foresters were filled with rage, and he who had spoken the first and had lost the wager was more angry than all.

Bertram's answer was quick and decided. "Me!" Maude would have answered with properly injured dignity if she could; but a disagreeable lump of something came into her throat which spoilt the effect. "Thou hadst better wed me, Maude," said Bertram coaxingly, dropping his voice and his conventionalities together. "There is not a soul loveth thee as I do; and thou likest me well."

I'll warrant the hiding was his due, and that more of the like would do him good." "Why, how dost thou talk, Francis!" said Myles, turning upon him indignantly. "Thou knowest that thou likest to see the boy beaten no more than I." Then, after a meditative pause, "How many, think ye, we muster of our company of the Rose today?" Wilkes looked doubtfully at Gascoyne.

'He cam to me o' the Hornside, whaur I sat weyvin my stockin, ower the bog on 's powny a richt bonny thing, and clever a new are he's gotten frae 's mither. And it's no the first time he's been owre there to see me sin' he cam hame! 'Whatfor gaed he there? That wasna the best o' places to gang ridin in! 'He kenned whaur he was likest to see me: it was me he wantit. 'He wantit you, did he?

Why then hast thou rashly done this unrighteous action through childishness? O son, in no way doth the king deserve a curse from us." "Sauti said, 'And Sringin then replied to his father, saying, 'Whether this be an act of rashness, O father, or an improper act that I have done, whether thou likest it or dislikest it, the words spoken by me shall never be in vain.

The writings, which are numerous, have been collected by De Renzi. "And dissections of the bodies of swine As likest the human form divine." Golden Legend. S. de Renzi: Collectio Salernitana, 5 vols., Naples, 1852-1859; P. Giacosa: Magistri Salernitani, Turin, 1901.

Thou washest away the things which grow out of the dust of the earth, and Thou destroyest the hopes of man." The Prince covered his ears with his hands. "Thou likest not the singing?" Father Theophilus asked, and continued: "I admit the graces have little to do with musical practice in the holy houses of the Fathers." But he for whom the comfort was meant made no reply.

"Ashtavakra said, 'When no Brahmana is met with on the way, the way belongeth to the blind, the deaf, the women, carriers of burden, and the king respectively. But when a Brahmana is met with on the way, it belongeth to him alone. Thereupon the king said, 'I give the privilege to enter. Do thou, therefore, go in by whatever way thou likest. No fire ever so small is to be slighted.

There was a roar of laughter at the gibe, as indeed there was at whatever was uttered by the man whose profession was to make mirth. "Thou likest thy food well enough thyself, quipsome one," muttered Ralf. "Hast found one who doth not, Ralf?

We should be all but having Parliament for a sample of our choicest rather than our likest: and see you not a peril in that? Conceive, for the fleeting instants permitted to such insufferable flights of fancy, our picked men ruling! So despotic an oligarchy as would be there, is not a happy subject of contemplation.