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A trustworthy person, whom I have myself instructed, will start for Allonby to-day, and as soon as I receive any news from him, you shall hear of it by special messenger. Tell Miss Vanstone this, and pray add the sincere expression of my sympathy and regard. "Faithfully yours, From Mr. de Bleriot to Mrs. Lecount. "Dark's Buildings. November 1st.

His eyes fixed on her with a furtive alarm, and he drew back hastily. "Mad!" he said to himself, with a sudden remembrance of what his friend Mr. Bygrave had told him at Aldborough, sharpened by his own sense of the haggard change that he saw in her face. He spoke in a whisper, but Mrs. Lecount heard him. She was close at his side again in an instant.

Lecount tried he r first experiment by leading the conversation to the subject of London, and to the relative advantages offered to residents by the various quarters of the metropolis on both sides of the river. The ever-ready Wragge penetrated her intention sooner than she had anticipated, and interposed immediately.

That purpose was to find my way to Noel Vanstone in disguise, and to judge for myself of Mrs. Lecount and her master. I gained my object; and I tell you again, I know the two people in that house yonder whom we have now to deal with better than you do."

"She is not well enough; she wants repose. To-morrow I propose taking her out before the heat of the day begins not merely to avoid embarrassment, after what has happened with Mrs. Lecount, but because the morning air and the morning quiet are essential in these nervous cases. We are early people here we shall start at seven o'clock.

Bygrave thousands of pounds sterling out of my pocket!!!" He clasped his hands in despair at the picture of pecuniary compulsion which his fancy had conjured up his own golden life-blood spouting from him in great jets of prodigality, under the lancet of Mrs. Lecount. "Gently, Mr. Vanstone gently! The woman knows nothing so far, and the money is not gone yet."

"Your position, sir, must be as plain by this time to you as it is to me," said Mrs. Lecount. "There is only one obstacle now left between this woman and the attainment of her end. That obstacle is your life. After the discovery we have made upstairs, I leave you to consider for yourself what your life is worth." At those terrible words, the ebbing resolution in him ran out to the last drop.

Are you ready for your introduction to Mrs. Lecount and her master?" "Quite ready." "Good again. We will meet them on the Parade, at their usual hour for going out two o'clock. It is no t twelve yet. I have two hours before me just time enough to fit my wife into her new Skin. The process is absolutely necessary, to prevent her compromising us with the servant.

The writing-case was searched, and some letter paper was found in it of the size required. Mrs. Lecount resumed her dictation; and Noel Vanstone resumed his pen. "Baliol Cottage, Dumfries, "November 3d, 1847. "Private. It is the purpose of my letter to tell you privately what the object is for which I have left you the fortune which is now placed in your hands.

Any chance of a separation, he remarked, between the housekeeper and her master was, under existing circumstances, a chance which merited the closest investigation. "If we can only get Mrs. Lecount out of the way at the right time," whispered the captain, as he opened his host's garden gate, "our man is caught!"