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Now Halifax is like that are SPOONEY, as I used to call him; it is fed by the outports, and they begin to have enough to do to feed themselves it must larn to live without 'em. They have no river, and no country about them; let them make a rail road to Minas Basin, and they will have arms of their own to feed themselves with.

Your old chum, Catesby-Stuart, thought he was mast-high so fur's sailing was concerned, anybody could see that, but he had something to larn. He wasn't beginning to get out all there was in that ice-boat. And just then along comes another feller in the same kind of hooker and gives us a hail. There was two other chaps on the boat with him.

Folks say you could keep a school and larn farmers a sight more'n they know now." "I'm much obliged to Oxford for its good opinion," answered Mr. Curtis, with a merry laugh. It does workmen good to hear a genuine, hearty laugh from their master. Even the stone-masons, who were straining every nerve to lift a large stone into its place, looked up with a smile, as Mr.

They say, he sets them over and after one another; and has lations of them that he lets out on the craturs' cabins, to larn how many grains of salt every man takes with his little prates, and bring information if a straw would be stirring. O'Bla. Ay, and if it would, then, it's Carver that would quake like the aspin leaf I know that.

As there are three roads to larning, so there are three manes or implements by which boys are stimulated to larn: the first is the ruler, which you saw me shy at the thick skull of Johnny Target, and you see'd what a rap it gave him; well, then, the second is the ferrule a thing you never heard of, perhaps; but I'll show it you; here it is," continued Mr O'Gallagher, producing a sort of flat wooden ladle with a hole in the centre of it.

But they all helps to light up; and the beauty of it is, Parson" he laid a hand on Mr. Raymond's cuff "there isn't one of 'em burns a ha'porth the worse for every candle that's lit from en. Now sit down, you and the boy, and I'll larn 'ee how to join a board." Before winter and the long nights came around again, Taffy had become quite a clever carpenter.

The proposal is accepted by Seagriff, who is about to set out with the two youths, when, looking inquiringly round, he says, "As thar ain't anything in the shape of a stick about, we had best take the boat-hook an' a couple of oars." "What for?" ask the others, in some surprise. "You'll larn, by-an'-bye," answers the old salt, who, like most of his kind, is somewhat given to mystification.

I'm sick and tired of it. Go and take a swim and larn to find your own vittles honest when you come out, Pussy." "My word!" said the Waters, as a sprawling Cat landed all unannounced in the centre of the tail-race. "Is that you, Mewsalina? You seem to have been quarrelling with your best friend. Get over to the left. It's shallowest there. Up on that alder-root with all four paws. Good-night!"

Boys as a gineral thing hain't got no bizness on the plains, no how; but these are a-goin' to larn Injin fightin', sartin." "Umph! putty muche boy no good," responded the Arapahoe, in deep guttural tones. "Where's your folks, old pard?" inquired Jerry.

"Wat you doin', you nigger you?" demanded Riar, angrily, as she wiped the blood from her face. "I dar' yer ter come down out'n dat tree, an' I'll beat de life out'n yer; I'll larn yer who ter be shakin' chunks on."