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"I doesn't like that yere knifin', though," said Master Larrikins, when Mick had bound up my arm with his handkerchief, taking it off his neck for the purpose; and we had all turned to sneak below out of observation before `quarters' should be sounded and the fellows come tumbling up from dinner, `Ugly' concealing his battered face by dragging down his cap over his eyes, and pulling up his collar as if he had toothache, which no doubt was not very far from the truth.

She says as no words can ever tell how awful it was, for every yell sent a pain like barbed wire lightnin' forkin' an' knifin' all ways through her. No one heard her, for the blacksmith was shoein' a mule on one side of her an' Gran'ma Mullins an' Lucy was discussin' Hiram on the other. You know what a mule is to shoe, Mrs.

Suddenly he started up the path to the summit dragging the half-conscious girl. Macniff ran along on the other side to help. "Wot y' goin' to do with her, Harry?" he panted. "I ain't got no stomach for scraggin' her. I ain't for no knifin'. W'y don't you shove her off the top?"

One lightning arm flashed forward. "Down, George!" came a voice of thunder. "I'm going through." There was a flash in the moon; the smothered crack of a pistol; and a furious tumble of men aft. "Gor! they're knifin him!" "Their own skipper!" "That's the Gap Gang!" rose in a groaning chorus from the bows of the sloop. Splash followed splash. The crew of the lugger were jumping for the long-boat.

He might a-pulled out in the mornin' for parts unknown, if we hadn't happened along. I guess there's just as many thieves among honest men as there is among thieves. You read about such things in the papers, Jim. Pardners is always knifin' each other." A queer, nervous look came in the other's eyes. Matt did not betray that he noted it, though he said: "What was you thinkin' about, Jim!"

"And why Rufus Shepley?" "Because you had that spat with him in the lobby of the hotel, and it could be shown that you had a reason for knifin' him," Murk said, with evident satisfaction. "Nobody could have known I was going to have that quarrel with Shepley, because I had no idea of it myself when I entered the hotel lobby," Prale said.

"Ah!" said Miss Montaubyn, drawing out a long needleful of thread, "Bet, SHE thinks it worse than it is." "Could it be worse?" asked Dart. "Could anything be worse than everything is?" "Lots," suggested Glad; "might 'ave broke your back, might 'ave a fever, might be in jail for knifin' someone. 'E wants to 'ear you talk, Miss Montaubyn; tell 'im all about yerself."

They's only one main thing that holds me back I don't like the idea of knifin' a feller when he ain't got a chance to fight back! That's me!" To this Doctor Randall Byrne bowed, rather dazed, but returned no answer. "And how's your patient, doc?" pursued the irresistible marshal. "How's old Joe Cumberland? I remember when me and Joe used to trot about the range together.

He might a-pulled out in the mornin' for parts unknown, if we hadn't happened along. I guess there's just as many thieves among honest men as there is among thieves. You read about such things in the papers, Jim. Pardners is always knifin' each other." A queer, nervous look came into the other's eyes. Matt did not betray that he noted it, though he said "What was you thinkin' about, Jim?"

Well, I don't blame yer; of course, 'e is a furriner; but I'm not one to say as furriners ain't no class. I was in love with an I-talian organ-grinder myself, when I was a girl, and I might 'ave married 'im for all I know, ef 'e 'adn't got run in for knifin' a slop what was always a aggravatin' 'im, poor chap.