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Updated: August 6, 2024

Killigrew's way of getting to see plays when he was a boy. He would go to the Red Bull, and when the man cried to the boys, "Who will go and be a devil, and he shall see the play for nothing?" then would he go in, and be a devil upon the stage, and so get to see plays. 31st.

But since his righteous resentment had driven him from her presence she could but sit and brood upon it all, considering the words in which to frame her plea for forgiveness when next he should return. But the hours sped, and there was no sign of him. And then, almost with a shock of dread came the thought that ere long perhaps Sir John Killigrew's ship would be upon them.

Both Ishmael and Killigrew were wondering if they ought to go and see her or not, both fighting a repulsion of which Killigrew's was more purely æsthetic and Ishmael's rather a passionate wish to keep thought of such a thing away from life.... They had come to the parting of their way from Carminow's, and all three were standing at the street corner under a flickering gas lamp.

Killigrew's comedy had been discussed in Angela's hearing. People who had been deprived of the theatre for over a year were greedy and eager spectators of all the plays produced at Court; but this production was an exceptional event. Killigrew's wit and impudence and impecuniosity were the talk of the town, and anything written by that audacious jester was sure to be worth hearing.

He was dazed with the lights, and then the sudden darkness and all of us being so angry, I suppose.... Hullo, what's that?" It was Killigrew's voice calling softly up the stairs to Vassie. She hesitated, made a feint of going to the door only to hear what he wanted, and then went rustling down to him. Phoebe snuggled a little more comfortably on her chair with an unconscious movement of pleasure.

Your father's in the city, too, isn't he, Killigrew?" "Yes, but that's no reason why I should be, and I'm jolly well not going to. I'm going to be an artist like Turner...." And Killigrew's voice unconsciously took on a singing inflection of rapture. "There's no doubt about old Carminow, anyway," observed Polkinghorne, to be greeted with laughter.

He hadn't enjoyed himself so much in months. Thomas had kissed Kitty and hadn't wanted to! It would take a philosopher to dig up the reason for that; or rather a clairvoyant, since philosophers dealt only with logical sequences, and there was nothing logical to Killigrew's mind in Thomas kissing Kitty when he hadn't wanted to! Sugar, coffee and spices.

Here the news was first talked of Harry Killigrew's being wounded in nine places last night by footmen in the highway, going from the Park in a hackney coach towards Hammersmith, to his house at Turnham Greene; they being supposed to be my Lady Shrewsbury's men, she being by in her coach with six horses; upon an old grudge of his saying openly that he had intrigued with her.

Some say that the cause of her leaving Court was jealousy of Frank Esmond's wife: others, that she was forced to retreat after a great battle which took place at Whitehall, between her ladyship and Lady Dorchester, Tom Killigrew's daughter, whom the King delighted to honor, and in which that ill-favored Esther got the better of our elderly Vashti.

Killigrew had treated the whole affair as something between a joke and a matter so unimportant it made really no difference to anyone. And of all the attitudes it was Killigrew's, in the revulsion from fuss, that Ishmael was beginning to adopt as his own.

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