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In the hall, the widow, knowing naught of this, met me with wet eyes crying, "Ah! ah! de 'ouse of de orphelin' is juz blaze' up h-all over h-at once!" and hushed in amazement as the procession entered the gate. P.T.B. Manouvrier, Taxidermist! When the fire was out the owner of that sign went back to his shop and to his work, and his wife sat by him sewing as before.

"You muz egscuse my i'ony, Mistoo Itchlin; I can't 'ep that sometime'. It come natu'al to me, in fact. I was on'y speaking i'oniously juz now in calling allusion to that dust; because, of co'se, theh is no dust to-day, because the g'ound is all covvud with watah, in fact. Some people don't understand that figgah of i'ony."

I'll see if Mère Veronique can figs that, and if yes, I'll san' for you. And, chérie, juz' the way he said that, we are sure he's goin' to san'." With her tears running freely Aline softly laughed. She rose, took a hand of each aunt, laid the two together, bent low, and kissed them, saying: "He will not, for he shall not. Nothing shall ever part us but heaven."

"And so, also," she said, "I too must go." "Oh, but the story is juz' big-inning," Mme. Alexandra protested, and Mme. De l'Isle said: "I'm sure 'twill turn out magnificent, yes!" Mademoiselle declared the tale fascinating. She "would be enchanted to stay," but her aunts must be considered, etc.; and when Chester confessed the reading would require another session anyhow Mmes.

Because Mr. Bell and Eve'et is name bell, and so is the bells name' juz the same way, and so they 'ing the bells to signify. I had to elucidate that to my hant. Well, au 'evoi', Doctah." The Doctor raised his eyes from his letter-writing. The young man had turned, and was actually going out without another word. What perversity moved the physician no one will ever know; but he sternly called:

Well, seh, we juz make the welkin 'ing faw joy when you finally stop' at the en'. Pehchance you heard my voice among that sea of head'? But I doubt in 'such a vas' up'ising so many imposing pageant', in fact, and those 'ocket' exploding in the staw-y heaven', as they say.

On the road to Callender House, while Charlie and Victorine palavered together "I cannot quite make out," minced the French-speaking grandmother to Flora, "the real reason why you are doing this." "'T is with me the same!" eagerly responded the beauty, in the English she preferred. "I thing maybe 't is juz inspiration. What you thing?"

The good father might even have said a few words about her after her first departure; he had such an overflowing heart. "Madame Carraze," said Monsieur Vignevielle, "doze kine of note wad you 'an' me juz now is bein' contrefit. You muz tek kyah from doze kine of note.

Hilary spoke: "Miss Anna, please hold this paper open for me while I Thank you." He struck a match. The horse's neck was some shelter and the two pressed close to make more, yet the match flared. The others listened to Mandeville: "And 'twas me dizcover' that tranzportation, juz' chanzing to arrive by the railroad " "Any one got a newspaper?" called Hilary. "Steve yes, let's have a wisp o' that."

Ah, you cann' do that! And when that young Dubroca and Castanado get the win' of them, the all four, all of same sweet maladie, they go together; two to be juz' poilu', two, aviateur'. That old remedie, you know; if they can't love they'll fight! They are yonder, still al-ive, laz' account." Mainly to himself Chester said, "And I am here, my land still at peace, last account."