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It has seemed to me at times during the last four months as if the carpenters and joiners and plumbers and painters were leagued against Alice and me to defraud and to rob us. I supposed that in these dull and hard times these people would feel in a measure grateful to us for giving them a chance to ply their trades.

He had no theories about setting the world to rights, but he saw there was a great deal of damage done by building with ill-seasoned timber by ignorant men in fine clothes making plans for outhouses and workshops and the like without knowing the bearings of things by slovenly joiners' work, and by hasty contracts that could never be fulfilled without ruining somebody; and he resolved, for his part, to set his face against such doings.

"Aye, I was speakin' aboot Creeshy Callum's coffin that oor Saunders the muckle tongueless sumph there got dirt cheap ye see Greeshy had been measured for't, but, as he had a short leg and a shorter, the joiner measured the wrang leg joiners are a' dottle stupid bodies an' whan the time cam' for Creeshy to be streekit, man, he wadna fit na, it maun hae been a sair disappointment till him that is to say gin he war in the place whaur he could think wi' ony content on his coffin, an' that, judgin' by his life an' conversation, was far frae bein' a certainty."

The allusion is to the maxim of Heraclitus the obscure: "Dry light is the best." It had undoubtedly caused many arts which were of the greatest utility, and which were susceptible of the greatest improvements, to be neglected by speculators, and abandoned to joiners, masons, smiths, weavers, apothecaries.

The old Joiners' Hall has happily been saved by the National Trust. It has a very attractive sixteenth-century façade, though the interior has been much altered. Until the early years of the nineteenth century it was the hall of the guild or company of the joiners of the city of New Sarum. Such are some of the old municipal buildings of England.

This Darcha has a pagoda, which is the monument I speak of, so beautiful that another as good of its kind could not be found within a great distance. You must know that it is a round temple made of a single stone, the gateway all in the manner of joiners work, with every art of perspective.

The Malay who acted as his guide was recovering fast from the tiger's clawing, and had attached himself to the doctor as servant when matters settled down; and it was affecting to see the poor fellow's delight upon encountering Ali alive and well. Matters were soon arranged, and a busy party were at work rebuilding the residency, a number of Chinese joiners being enlisted for the task.

Thus one to whom I spoke, who was the son of a former mayor of an important town, was allowed 3s. a week plus food and lodging, while another received 9s. a week, 5s. of which was sent to his wife, from whom he was separated. Another man, after living on the Army for about two years, made charges against it to the Carpenters' and Joiners' Union.

A couple of joiners' horses, a matrix or two, a pile of shavings and some sawed-off blocks scattered over the floor produce a matutinal conception of chaos that hangs over one like a pall until his aesthetic sense is beaten into subjection by the hammers of a million demons in the guise of carpenters. Morning in the midst of repairs is an awful thing!

It was determined that there should be accommodation on the next Sunday for all who came to the service. An army of carpenters, joiners, glaziers, and other workmen-assisted by a mob of citizens of all ranks and ages, men and women, gentle and simple were busily engaged in bringing planks and benches; working with plane, adze, hammer and saw, trowel and shovel, to complete the work.