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He knew from experience that this strange race of scouts carried jaw-breakers in their pockets, and that they had a deadly aim. But he had not supposed that they travelled in fairy barques which rivalled the windows of bakery shops in their sumptuous appointments.

They always carry licorice jaw-breakers in their pockets," he added as a supplementary inducement; "anyway I do lemon ones too, and strawberry ones." "How many is in your gang?" Joe asked. "Nobody yet," said Pee-wee, "because I haven't got it started. But if you'll join in with me we'll start one.

One of the men fetched him a fat, cringing man, with a discursive eye and the odors of many kinds of meats upon him. "Take a whirl at this importation with your jaw-breakers, Sloviski," requested Mike Dowling. "We can't quite figure out whether he's from the Hackensack bottoms or Hongkong-on-the-Ganges."

"The only names I have are names of candy, and I'm sure you don't want any of those, do you? There is peppermint and spearmint and cinnamon and lemon drops and cocoanut kisses and lollypops and jaw-breakers and tootsie rolls and chocolate do you want any of those names?" "No," replied the little pig boy, "I don't think I like any of those names for myself.

"Didn't you find a gold-piece like Ben Holt did?" But it seemed she had never found anything. Indeed, once she had lost a dime, even on the way to spending it for five candy bananas and five jaw-breakers. Plainly she had chosen her good name without knowing of the case of Ben Holt.

You never seed a small man that didn't wear high heel boots, and a high-crowned hat, and that warn't ready to fight most any one, to show he was a man every inch of him. "I met a member the other day, who swaggered near about as large as Uncle Peleg. He looked as if he thought you couldn't find his 'ditto' anywhere. He used some most particular educational words, genuine jaw-breakers.

Three tins of jam, one apple, and the other two plum. Seventeen Bermuda onions, all different sizes. A piece of cheese in the shape of a wedge. Two one-pound tins of butter. A handful of raisins. A tin of biscuits, or as Tommy calls them "Jaw-breakers." A bottle of mustard pickles. He also received the tea, sugar, salt, pepper, and flour.

Suppose that the custom that is in vogue among the Indians should be in use among us, we would have instead of "George Washington" and "Hanner Jane," and such beautiful names, some of the worst jaw-breakers that ever was. Suppose the attending physician should go to the door after a child was born and name it after the first object he saw.

He said he'd spent it for the concertina, and watermelon, and chocolate-creams, and licorice sticks, and lemon-drops, and peanuts, and jaw-breakers, and sardines, and raspberry lemonade, and pickles, and popcorn, and ice-cream, and cider, and sausage there was sausage in his pocket, and mamma says his jacket is ruined and cinnamon drops and waffles and he ate four or five lobster croquettes at lunch and papa said, 'Who gave you that dollar? Only he didn't say 'WHO' he said something horrible, Bob!

It contained an abundant fifteen-cents' worth of lemon drops, jaw-breakers, licorice sticks, cinnamon drops, and shopworn choclate creams. "Take all you want," he said, with off-hand generosity. "Why, Penrod Schofield," exclaimed the wholly thawed damsel, "you nice boy!" "Oh, that's nothin'," he returned airily. "I got a good deal of money, nowadays." "Where from?" "Oh just around."