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"And what did he?" "They were about going in the hall to supper." "Handed he thee?" "Nay, my cousin the King's Grace handed me." "Then who was with my Lord?" "The Lady Lucy of Milan." "Lucy of Milan! is she not rarely beauteous?" "I wis nought about beauty. For the first time, Constance fairly noticed Isabel's peculiar smile. She sat up in her bed, with contracted brow.

Thus appealed to, and wounded to the quick by Isabel's tone and eye, Anne at last with a strong effort suppressed her tears, and, taking her sister's hand, said in a voice of touching solemnity, "Promise, then, that the secret shall be ever holy; and, since I know that it will move thine anger perhaps thy scorn strive to forget what I will confess to thee."

He stationed himself at the door with some other unattached men, and followed Isabel's course over the floor with intent, eager eyes. The dance, to a new and enchanting air, was prolonged and he died many deaths as he watched her, catching tantalizing glimpses of her face only to lose it again.

Gwynne had exchanged his khaki riding-clothes for corduroy; and Isabel's habit, although still dust-colored, was made of cloth instead of pongee. To-day they wore light covert coats over their canvas and rubber.

Most women did with themselves nothing at all; they waited, in attitudes more or less gracefully passive, for a man to come that way and furnish them with a destiny. Isabel's originality was that she gave one an impression of having intentions of her own. "Whenever she executes them," said Ralph, "may I be there to see!" It devolved upon him of course to do the honours of the place. Mr.

Gwynne is very anxious to meet you." "Well, he has not been in any particular hurry. Still, it will be fearfully nice, and I am so glad you have come down at last." It was characteristic of Mrs. Paula that she was not in the least jealous of Isabel's beauty.

The ladies of the Ellison party, to whom she put the case in the parlor, agreed with her perfectly. They also had done a little shopping in Quebec, and they meant to do more at Montreal before they returned to the States. Mrs. Ellison was disposed to look upon Isabel's compunctions as a kind of treason to the sex, to be forgiven only because so quickly repented.

It was about the very hour, almost the very moment, in which Almamen effected his mysterious escape from the tent of the Inquisition, that the train accompanying the litter which bore Leila, and which was composed of some chosen soldiers of Isabel's own body-guard, after traversing the camp, winding along that part of the mountainous defile which was in the possession of the Spaniards, and ascending a high and steep acclivity, halted before the gates of a strongly fortified castle renowned in the chronicles of that memorable war.

"Well, fair Cousin! what cheer?" was Isabel's greeting, when she presented herself anew. "Thus much," replied Custance; "that, leave given, I will go with thee to London." "Well said!" was the answer, in a tone which intimated that it was more than Isabel expected. "But mark me, Isabel! "Oh ay! well and good." "And for thus much yielding, I demand to have again the keeping of my childre."

'My way? No, not a bit. I'm glad Isabel has somebody to talk to. I'm afraid it's I who am in the way. I know I'm not very lively company. Isabel's all right, don't you think? She's not unhappy, is she? 'I don't think so. 'What does she say? 'She says she's very content only a little troubled about you. 'Why me? 'Perhaps afraid that you might brood, said Bertie, cautiously.