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Updated: August 3, 2024

'Don't be frightened, Sammy, don't be frightened, said the old gentleman, when by dint of much struggling, and various convulsive stamps upon the ground, he had recovered his voice. 'It's only a kind o' quiet laugh as I'm a-tryin' to come, Sammy. 'Well, if that's wot it is, said Sam, 'you'd better not try to come it agin. You'll find it rayther a dangerous inwention.

'Sorry to do anythin' as may cause an interruption to such wery pleasant proceedin's, as the king said wen he dissolved the parliament, interposed Mr. Weller, who had been peeping through the glass door; 'but there's another experiment here, sir. Here's a wenerable old lady a lyin' on the carpet waitin' for dissection, or galwinism, or some other rewivin' and scientific inwention.

Firstly, because lambs has long been sheep, and secondly, because there is such things as killing-days, and there is not. As to roast fowls, Miss, why you must be quite surfeited with roast fowls, letting alone your buying, when you market for yourself, the agedest of poultry with the scaliest of legs, quite as if you was accustomed to picking 'em out for cheapness. Try a little inwention, Miss.

"And he began hopparating on that singlar and ingenus elecktricle inwention, which aniliates time, and carries intellagence in the twinkling of a peg-post. "'I'll ask, says he, 'for child marked G. W. 273. "Back comes the telegraph with the sign, 'All right. "'Ask what he's doing, sir, says my wife, quite amazed. Back comes the answer in a Jiffy

'Just this here, said Sam, 'that I'll patronise the inwention, and go in, that vay. No visperin's to the Chancellorship I don't like the notion. It mayn't be altogether safe, vith reference to gettin' out agin. Deferring to his son's feeling upon this point, Mr.

I got an inwention as bright as bran new pewter button. I'll shave de head of a tief close and smooth. Dat will keep his head warm in de sun, and cool at night; do him good. He can't go courtin' den, when he ab 'no wool whar de wool ought to grow, and spile his 'frolicken, and all de niggaroons make game ob him. It do more good praps to tickle fancy ob niggars dan to tickle dere hide.

'Why, sir, said Mr Tapley, retiring, with a bow, towards the buxom hostess, 'her opinion is as the name ain't a change for the better, but the indiwidual may be, and, therefore, if nobody ain't acquainted with no jest cause or impediment, et cetrer, the Blue Dragon will be con-werted into the Jolly Tapley. A sign of my own inwention, sir. Wery new, conwivial, and expressive!

She's too good a creetur for me, Sammy. I feel I don't deserve her. 'Ah, said Mr. Samuel. 'that's wery self-denyin' o' you. 'Wery, replied his parent, with a sigh. 'She's got hold o' some inwention for grown-up people being born again, Sammy the new birth, I think they calls it. I should wery much like to see that system in haction, Sammy.

Ugh! said Mrs Gamp, resuming her apostrophe, 'one might easy know you was a man's inwention, from your disregardlessness of the weakness of our naturs, so one might, you brute! It would not have been unnatural to suppose, from the first part of Mrs Gamp's lamentations, that she was connected with the stage-coaching or post-horsing trade.

My own inwention ag'in windictiveness in the shape o' bricks an' bludgeons, an' werry useful an comfortin' I've found it. But if they're going to begin on me vith coping-stones, v'y Lord!" And Mr. Shrig sighed his gentle sigh, and rubbed his placid brow, and once more covered it with the "inwention." "And now sir, you've got a pair o' good, long legs can ye use 'em?" "Use them, yes. Why?"

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