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Updated: August 5, 2024

Donald listened with much gravity to the account of their adventure; and answered with great composure to David's repeated inquiries, whether he could have suspected that the cairds had been lurking there, "Inteed, Master Tavie, I might hae had some guess that they were there, or thereabout, though maybe I had nane.

Put inteed, I yonder he hasn't been sending for old Tuncan to be gifing him a song or two on ta peeps; for he'll pe hafing ta oceans of fery coot highland plood in his own feins; and his friend, ta Prince of Wales, who has no more rights to it than a maackerel fish, will pe wearing ta kilts at Holyrood. So mind you pe firing ta cun at sax, my son."

You have heard of my having carried away the mainmast, and, after kicking about fifteen days on short allowance, having been obliged to bear up for Honduras?" "I know noting of all dat," said Isaac; "sorry for it, captain very sad inteed" "Sad you may say that, Moses.

And she 'll not pe wondering put. It might pe. Yes, inteed not!" His voice sank to the murmurs of a half uttered soliloquy, and as he murmured he stroked Malcolm's cheek. "What are ye efter noo daddy?" asked Malcolm. The only sign that Duncan heard the question was the complete silence that followed.

"No, Angus Macdonald," said the trader sternly, "I'll not sell it. I've told you already more than once, and it is worse than ill-judged, it is impertinent of you to come bothering me to part with my land." "Ho! inteed!" exclaimed Angus, rising in wrath, and cramming his pipe into his vest pocket; "it is herself that will pe pothering you no more spout your dirty land, Samyool Ruvnshaw."

Donald listened with much gravity to the account of their adventure; and answered with great composure to David's repeated inquiries, whether he could have suspected that the cairds had been lurking there, "Inteed, Master Tavie, I might hae had some guess that they were there, or thereabout, though maybe I had nane.

"It's up at the knowl I've peen, Martha, an' I left Samyool Ruvnshaw there in a fery pad temper fery pad inteed. He'll come oot of it, whatever." "An' he'll not be for sellin' you the knowl?" asked Martha. "No, he won't," replied Angus.

"Ah, thanks, thanks," cried Mr Ravenshaw heartily, as he drove past; "bad news that about the plain-hunters. I suppose you've heard it." "Ay, it iss pad news ferry pad news inteed, Mister Ruvnshaw. It will pe goin' to the fort ye are?" "Yes; the poor people will need all the help we can give them." "They wull that; oo ay."

Thus assisted, I got on tolerably well, though at first I made some awful mistakes in the names of places mentioned by witnesses in courts of justice and elsewhere. For instance, at the assizes, a man swore that he resided at a place which he pronounced Monothosluin, and so I spelt it in my report. "Cot pless me, Sur! sure inteed, and you have not spelt hur right," remarked Mr.

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