Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 2, 2024

He was, however, ill at ease over the incident. It added an element of uncertainty to an already precarious position. Three days later he was intensely thankful the conversation had taken place. After the noon meal he lay on his blanket under the hemlock shelter, smoking and lazily watching Injin Charley busy at the side of the trail.

We go up hill trough de hood. We see ten, twelve, Injin almos' naked, eatin', drinkin', dancin', an' yell like debbil. Capten say, "Stay here, Krasippe; I get hind bush." Capten creep trough bush, light cannle, an' bust out trough circle to middle of fire. I see fifty Injin fright dat way. Dose Injin not frighten much. I see one man jump on capten, trow him down, raise hatchet to kill him.

I don't want to bring him round the country in a blanket, like a wild Injin." "I have a cloak inside," said Bashville. "I'll get it for you." It seemed to her that a silence fell on the crowd, as if her deceit were already discovered. Then Mellish, who had been waiting for an opportunity to protest against the last remark of the policeman, said, angrily, "Who are you calling my pal?

The spalpeens must have manufactured that fire for our benefit, and where's the good that it has done them?" "Can't it be that it was for something else? Can't it be that they took us for Indians, or perhaps they haven't seen us at all, and don't know that we've passed?" "It does seem as if something of the kind might be, and yet that don't sthrike me as the Injin style of doing business."

"If the Yorkers fight we'll hafter stay right here and shoot like the men," said Nuck, reflectively. "It'll be like the Injin fights my father and 'Siah were in. I s'pose we'll take trees, an' scatter out so't the Yorkers can't git up around us here " "An' we'll raise the warwhoop an' shoot jest as fast as we kin!" exclaimed Lot, excitedly. "Crow Wing taught me the warwhoop last year.

I seed Bart Coinjock, one of our own cowboys, 'tending our animals, and he told me to take my ch'ice from the lot. You mustn't forgit that we're purty close to the Wind River Injin Reservation, where the Government has several tribes under charge." This was news to the boys.

I nodded. "So Pete took my advice, and a couple days later I hurried down to Red Gap and had a talk with Judge Ballard and the district attorney. The judge said it had been embarrassing to justice to have my old Injin walk in on 'em, because every one knew he was guilty. Why couldn't he of stayed up here where the keen-eyed officers of the law could of pretended not to know he was?

"God turned him out of it, Chippewa yes, he was turned OUT of it, with shame on his face, for having disobeyed the commandments of his Creator. Having left the garden, his children have scattered over the face of the earth." "So come here to drive off Injin! Well, dat 'e way wid pale-face I Did ever hear of red man comin' to drive off pale-face?"

"Oh," said Harry sarcastically, "how blessed polite we are!" "That'll do. Let up on him, will you?" said Peyton, roughly, to his subordinate. "The boy knows what he's about. But," he continued, addressing Clarence, "how was it the Injin didn't see you?" "I was very still on account of not waking Susy," said Clarence, "and " He hesitated. "And what?"

But I hadn't a pencil and I had a hunger, and I said 'How! like any other Injin insolent, wasn't it? Then the Man rose, and he said I was welcome, and she smiled an approving but not very immediate smile, and she kept her seat, she kept her seat, my boy, and that was the first thing that set me thinking.

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