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Ingraham, the lieutenant of Captain Gray whom we all know so well for his discovery of the great River of the West, sailed to near Sitka before his principal entered the river which he named for his ship, the Columbia. The French ship "Solide," in 1791, sailed from France to gather a portion of the harvest.

Among the conspicuous naval events of the time was the spirited action of Commander Ingraham at Smyrna, in 1854. A young Austrian, Martin Koszta, had lived in New York city two years before, and had declared his intention of becoming an American citizen.

Kendrick, Gray, Ingraham, Coolidge, a dozen Boston men were threading the shadowy, forested waterways between New Spain and Alaska. Ships from Spain, from France, from London, from Canton, from Bengal, from Austria, were on the west coast of America.

Desire Ledwith knew that; so she held her peace about it for a while, among these girls to whom Bel Bree was preaching her crusade. All they knew was that Dot Ingraham and her machine were gone away into a family eighteen miles from Boston. "If you find anything for me to do, Miss Ledwith, I'll do it," said Kate Sencerbox.

For him to gain or to lose: either way, to have mightily to do with that soul-forging and shaping that the Lord, in his handling of every man, is about. That night they all came out together in the last train. Ray Ingraham had gone in after dinner to make some purchases for her mother, and had been to see some Chapel friends.

A year earlier an American, Ingraham, had sighted this same group and given it the name of his own beloved hero, Washington. Had not Captain Porter failed to establish American rule in 1813 in the island of Nuka-hiva, which he called Madison, the Marquesas might have been American. Porter's name, like that of Mendaña, is linked with deeds of cruelty.

Just as the stranger was wondering how much of truth these extraordinary children knew, Teacher, calm-eyed and unruffled, appeared upon the scene. She said, as she generally did: "Doctor Ingraham! Who would have thought to find you here!" And then, "Are you talking to my little people? They are the cleverest little things, and such friends of mine. Morris here and I are the greatest of cronies."

Delisser & Proctor. 32mo. pp. 227. 50 cts. Shakspeare's Legal Acquirements Considered. By John Lord Campbell, LL.D., F.R.S.E. In a Letter to J. Payne Collier, Esq., F.S.A. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. 146. 75 cts. The Pillar of Fire; or, Israel in Bondage. By Rev. J.H. Ingraham, Author of "The Prince of the House of David." New York. Pudney & Russell. 12mo. pp. 600. $1.25.

In England young Jones played Jacob, Captain of the Indian Davis Cup team, a splendid match. On his return to America he carved his niche in the Hall of Junior Tennis fame by defeating Harold Godshall of California, W. W. Ingraham of Providence and Morgan Bernstein of New York on successive days in the junior championship.

He liked the brightness and the airiness; a little of it, near to; he did not like a whole car-full, or room-full, or street full, he did not like to see a woman sparkle all round. Mr. Ingraham had come into Dorbury Upper Village some half dozen years since; had leased the bakery, house, and shop; and two years afterward, Rachel had come home to stay.