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You attempt to brush them off, but they only move around to the other side, until you nearly go mad with nervousness from their sticky feet. If they find out your ear they crawl in and walk around. You cannot discourage them. They craze you with their infuriating persistence.

"I s'pose it never entered your head it was a mean advantage for you to take when I was gone," she said shrilly. "You wouldn't 'a' dared do it if I'd been here." "I'm not so sure." The fearless response was infuriating to Ellen. "Well, I'll tell you one thing," she shouted, bringing her clenched hand down on the table with such force that every dish rattled.

"Your money ought to be in proper hands and properly managed," he went on with cold precision. "If you were an English woman, your husband would control it." "Would he?" The simple, sweet-tempered obtuseness of her tone was an infuriating thing to him. There was the usual shade of troubled surprise in her eyes as they met his. "I don't think men in America ever do that.

Boyd hastened to obey, ladling everything within reach into his mouth as fast as knife and spoon could follow each other. He concluded, crooning over his eternal ditty, by way of thanksgiving after meat "If I was in bed and fast asleep I wouldn't get up for a score of sheep." This distich had the gift of always infuriating Aunt Janet.

But I return thanks to the Great God, for more than eighteen months my lips have not partaken of that infuriating beverage to which I was unfortunately attached, and my habitual propensity vanished at the sanctified and ever-memorable sign of the cross the memento of man's lofty destination, and miraculous injunction, of the great, illustrious, and never-to-be-forgotten Apostle of Temperance.

I have heard of an American student who was asked how he was getting along with his German, and who answered promptly: "I am not getting along at all. He paused for a moment, reflectively; then added with feeling: "But I've got that SOLID!" And if I have not also shown that German is a harassing and infuriating study, my execution has been at fault, and not my intent.

The pistols had wounded him in many places. "Don't shoot don't shoot, but tire him out," the hunter urged. "Tire him out? Look at Carlos and Manuel back there. How many minutes will it be before the rest are down with them?" So the infuriating pistols popped till all their shots were gone, and Monarch foamed with slobbering jaws of rage. "Keep on! keep cool," cried Kellyan.

But it was quite different when someone else was making the same kind of music. Anthea understood now that Father had not been really heartless and unreasonable when he had told them to stop that infuriating din. 'What shall we sing? Cyril was asking. 'Sweet and low? suggested Anthea. 'Too soft I vote for "Who will o'er the downs". Now then one, two, three.

"The fellow makes me nervous," she thought, and decided to fly away. She couldn't remember ever having been so insulted in her life. What a disgrace to be mistaken for a wasp, one of those useless wasps, those tramps, those common thieves! It really was infuriating. But there he was again!

Crabbe smiled in a slow infuriating way. "I claim, I demand the lady for something better than a walk, under dreary midnight skies, over cold and inhospitable winter snows! Like a man in a certain chronicle I have made a supper and would bid you both attend one at least." "A supper? But whom " Pauline stopped, although glad of the diversion Crabbe's words offered.