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Updated: August 26, 2024

Asia beheld with astonishment and awe the uninterrupted progress of a hero, the sweep of whose conquests was as wide and rapid as that of her own barbaric kings, or the Scythian or Chaldaean hordes; but, far unlike the transient whirlwinds of Asiatic warfare, the advance of the Macedonian leader was no less deliberate than rapid; at every step the Greek power took root, and the language and the civilization of Greece were planted from the shores of the AEgean to the banks of the Indus, from the Caspian and the great Hyrcanian plain to the cataracts of the Nile; to exist actually for nearly a thousand years, and in their effects to endure for ever."

Among the savage dogs of ancient times were the Hyrcanian, said, on account of their extreme ferocity, to have been crossed with the tiger , the Locrian, chiefly employed in hunting the boar, the Pannonian, used in war as well as in the chase, and by whom the first charge on the enemy was always made, and the Molossian, of Epirus, likewise trained to war as well as to the honours of the amphitheatre and the dangers of the chase.

I'll send for a policeman, sir. What do you mean, Mr. Titmarsh, sir, by bringing this this beast into my house, sir? At this, with a scream like that of a Hyrcanian tiger, Mulligan of the hundred battles sprang forward at his prey; but we were beforehand with him. Mr. Gregory, Mr.

Were we dealing only with the natives, there might be some hope of soothing their ferocity and averting an outbreak of their insane rage; but nothing can be done with the Jesuit more subtle than the serpent, more fell than the Hyrcanian tiger." "Have the disciples of Loyola penetrated to this fierce tribe?" inquired Sir Christopher.

'Aye; you have struck blows against the Scots, Katharine said. 'But the beasts of the field strike as well against the foes of their kind the bull of the herd against lions; the Hyrcanian tiger against the troglodytes; the basilisk against many beasts. It is the province of a man to smite not only against the foes of his kind but and how much the more? against the foes of his God.

Where ruder beings of human mould swore or raged, he vented displeasure in an expression of countenance so pathetically melancholic and lugubrious that it would have melted the heart of an Hyrcanian tiger. He turned his countenance now on the boy, and murmuring "Cauliflower! Starvation!" sank into one of the cane-bottomed chairs, and added quietly, "so much for human gratitude."

"If Maurice betrays me," said Prince John "if he betrays me, as his bearing leads me to fear, I will have his head, were Richard thundering at the gates of York." Arouse the tiger of Hyrcanian deserts, Strive with the half-starved lion for his prey; Lesser the risk, than rouse the slumbering fire Of wild Fanaticism. Anonymus Our tale now returns to Isaac of York.

Long ere he ended she gazes on him askance, turning her eyes from side to side and perusing him with silent glances; then thus wrathfully speaks: 'No goddess was thy mother, nor Dardanus founder of thy line, traitor! but rough Caucasus bore thee on his iron crags, and Hyrcanian tigresses gave thee suck. For why do I conceal it? Hath he broken into tears, or had pity on his lover?

Woven cloth from 20,000 to 10,000 B. C.? Yes! That is pretty strong, isn't it? 'Tis when you come to consider it; our European ancestors at that date were skipping through Hyrcanian Forests clothed mostly in the costume Nature gave them; Herbert Spencer would have you believe, skipping round with simian gibbering monkey jaws and claws, clothed mostly in apes' hair.

From the spacious and fruitful plains of Albania, the emperor appears to follow the chain of Hyrcanian Mountains, to descend into the province of Media or Irak, and to carry his victorious arms as far as the royal cities of Casbin and Ispahan, which had never been approached by a Roman conqueror.

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