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"Paddy Doran, come up to your 'Intherest. Well Paddy, what's the intherest of a hundred pound, at five per cent? Boys, have manners you thieves you." "Do you mane, masther, per cent, per annum?" "To be sure I do how do you state it?" "I'll say, as a hundher pound is to one year, so is five per cent, per annum." "Hum why what's the number of the sum Paddy?" "'Tis No. 84, sir.

'Tis like the judgmint av God hittin' down from the nakid sky! We run into a rest-camp as ut might have been Ludianny, but not by any means so comfortable. The Orficer Commandin' sent a telegrapt up the line, three hundher' mile up, askin' for help.

"To reshume. Fwhat I've said jist shows the use av three-year-olds. Wud fifty seasoned sodgers have taken Lungtungpen in the dhark that way? No! They'd know the risk av fever and chill. Let alone the shootin'. Two hundher' might have done ut. But the three-year-olds know little an' care less; an' where there's no fear, there's no danger.

We was to go six hundher' miles, an' railways was new in thim days. Whin we had been a night in the belly av the thrain the men ragin' in their shirts an' dhrinkin' anything they cud find, an' eatin' bad fruit-stuff whin they cud, for we cudn't stop 'em I was a Corp'ril thin the cholera bruk out wid the dawnin' av the day. "Pray to the Saints, you may niver see cholera in a throop-thrain!

And soa he went on, backin' an' fillin' an' workin' up t' awd lass wal she felt as if her life warn't worth nowt if she didn't hev t' dog. Then all of a suddint he says: 'But ye shall have him, marm, for I've a feelin' heart, not like this could-blooded Yorkshireman; but 'twill cost ye not a penny less than three hundher rupees.

A'll bate ye fifty poun' A'm betther rairt nor you! Houl' an'! A'll bate ye a hundher' two hundher', if ye lek, an' stake the money down this minit" "Stiddy, now! draw it mild, you fellers there!" thundered Cooper from behind. "Must n't have no quarrellin' while I'm knockin' round."

And soa he went on, backin' an' fillin' an' workin' up t'awd lass wal she fell as if her life warn't worth nowt if she didn't hev t' dog. Then all of a suddint he says: "But ye shall have him, marm, for I've a feelin' heart, not like this could-blooded Yorkshireman; but 'twill cost ye not a penny less than three hundher rupees."

"So we wint up to our new station in that blazin' heat may the curse av Saint Lawrence conshume the man who gave the ordher! Will I iver forget that move? They gave us two wake thrains to the rigimint; an' we was eight hundher' and sivinty strong. There was A, B, C, an' D Companies in the secon' thrain, wid twelve women, no orficers' ladies, an' thirteen childher.

'Ye'ar too intilligent, says I. 'But intilligence don't give ye a vote. "'What does, thin, says she. 'Well, says I, 'enough iv ye at wan time wantin' it enough. How many ladies ar-re there in ye'er Woman's Rights Club? 'Twinty, says she. 'Make it three hundher, says I, 'an' ye'll be on ye'er way. Ye'er mother doesn't want it, does she? No, nor ye'er sister Katie?

But I wudden't look at a book, an' I wudden't annyway, but I wudden't let Hogan tell me about a hero that cudden't wear an overcoat an' rubber boots, have wan arm done up in a sling, an' something th' matther with th' other, blue spectatacles on his eyes, a plug hat on his head, th' aujeence throwin' bricks at him, an' th' referee usin' a cross-cut saw on his neck, an' thin make two hundher an' fifty Jawn L. Sullivans establish th' new record f'r th' leap through th' window.