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When my mind weaves dreams With threads of memories, Then on that magic cloth I find embossed: God! God! God! Every night, in time of deepest sleep, My peace dreams and calls, Joy! Joy! Joy! And my joy comes singing evermore: God! God! God! In waking, eating, working, dreaming, sleeping, Serving, meditating, chanting, divinely loving, My soul constantly hums, unheard by any: God! God! God!

Her sweetheart is not out at Sea. He brings home no gold, he brings home game. Everyone knows in what the fortune of a huntsman consists!" Senta does not stir; it is doubtful if she have heard. Without removing her eyes from the picture of the pallid man, she hums softly to herself certain fragment of old ballad.

Dilating and dilating since the sun went down last night, it has gradually swelled until it fills every void in the place. For a time there were some dungeon lights burning, as the lamp of life hums in Tom-all-Alone's, heavily, heavily, in the nauseous air, and winking as that lamp, too, winks in Tom-all-Alone's at many horrible things. But they are blotted out.

A poet of the tenth century writes, "In Japan and China as well, humanity, when moved by sorrow, tells its bitter grief in verse." A mother who tries to console her broken heart by fancying her departed child absent on his wonted chase after the dragon-fly, hums, "How far to-day in chase, I wonder, Has gone my hunter of the dragon-fly!"

He lay upon the warm bank for a space to regain his senses. Then he sat up and gravely rubbed his pate. "By all the saints!" said he, "you hit full stoutly. My head hums like a hive of bees on a summer morning." Then he seized his horn, which lay near, and blew thereon three shrill notes that echoed against the trees.

At Stornley the following letter from Emilia hit its mark: Dear Mr. Wilfrid, "It is time for me to see you. Come when you have read this letter. I cannot tell you how I am, because my heart feels beating in another body. Pray come; come now. Come on a swift horse. The thought of you galloping to me goes through me like a flame that hums. You will come, I know. It is time.

Twelve years earlier, unhappy Roman Catholics, accused of wickedness which had never entered into their thoughts, had stood in that dock. The witnesses for the Crown had repeated their hideous fictions amidst the applauding hums of the audience.

She does not speak, but hums to herself, and walks more lightly and softly than ever, as though she feared to waken some sleeper. ... I remember how Malthe and I were once talking about Greece, and he gave me an account of a snowstorm in Delphi. I cannot recall a word of his description; I was not listening, but just thinking how the snow would melt when it fell upon his head.

The time occupied by his worship's hums, and haws, and puffs of tobacco smoke, together with the slow and pompous manner in which he spoke, gave me a minute's space to collect my ideas, dispersed as they were by the extraordinary purport of this annunciation. 'I cannot conceive, sir, I replied, 'by what singular tenure this person claims my obedience as a guardian; it is a barefaced imposture.

One hums drowsily two or three bars of an old-world song; another clears his throat and spits; the Chief yawns, and all snap their fingers, to prevent evil spirits skipping into his throat; a late riser joins the circle, and all, except the Chief, give him tazim that is, rise and salaam; a coarse jest or two, and the party disperses.