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So long as Billy Warlock can keep himself above ground, so long will that old house keep him company, and so long will his forges blow fiery sparks in the cellar, while he hammers and hums and hums and hammers on the anvil by his side. It was just twelve years ago on Christmas Eve that Billy Warlock bought the smithy in the cellar of that little old house.

There was a reel and there were sound-speakers to keep the ship from sounding like a grave. The reel played and the speakers gave off minute creakings, and meaningless hums, and very tiny noises of every imaginable sort, all of which were just above the threshold of the inaudible. Calhoun fretted. Sector Twelve was in very bad shape.

"She has brown hair which curls, And black eyes for to see With, teeth like tiny pearls, And dimples, one, two three, And her name begins with E, and ends with E. "Her little feet run faster Than other feet can flee, As she brushes quickly past, her Voice hums like a bee, And her name begins with E, and ends with E. "Do you ask me why I love her?

Mem. for Agriculturists. Protect the birds and the insects will be in their crops. Destroy the birds and the crops will be in the insects. Humming-birds don't hum with their mouths. The humming is the vibration of their wings while flying for the same reason that a blue-bottle or an aeroplane hums." Pearson's Weekly.

"They would love their hums would make them yield, instead of ruin and depressin' influences, a good income to themselves, and good tax-payin' property to help Uncle Sam "Decrease vice, increase virtue lead away from prisons and almshousen, lead toward meetin'-housen, and the halls of justice, mebby.

The handle was a stick about a foot long and sometimes we whittled the stick to make it spoon-shaped at one end. We played games with these tops two to fifty boys at one time. Each whips his top until it hums; then one takes the lead and the rest follow in a sort of obstacle race. The top must spin all the way through.

Unending is this afternoon, And strange this landscape as the moon, With home a thousand miles away The pasture where his brothers play With whoop and shout, in Indian fray; The porch where, even at this hour, His mother prunes the vine and flower, And hums the nursery melody, "I saw a ship a-sailing, A-sailing on the sea." * VOL. XXIII September 1910 NO. 3 Lassoing Wild Animals In Africa

Now he is in Leicester Square, and he gazes on the foreigners who stalk that region, and hums a tune; and now from yonder alley two forms emerge, and dog his careless footsteps; now through the maze of passages towards St. Martin's he threads his path, and, anticipating an orgy as he nears his favourite haunts, jingles the silver in his pockets; and now the two forms are at his heels.

What perhaps strikes us most, when we put down the "Caractères" after a close re-perusal of one of the most readable books in all literature, is its extraordinary sustained vitality. It hums and buzzes in our memory long after we have turned the last page.

My companion after some imperfect sentences and a multitude of hums and has abandoned the cause to his client; and I commenced an harangue of half an hour to Phileleutheros, the tallow- chandler, varying my notes, through the whole gamut of eloquence, from the ratiocinative to the declamatory, and in the latter from the pathetic to the indignant.