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Alwynn became aware of the fact that Ruth was never to be seen with a book in her hand, and she expressed fears that the latter was not keeping up her reading. "And if you don't like to read to yourself, my dear, you can read to me while I work. German, now. I like the sound of German very well. It brings back the time when your Uncle John and I went up the Rhine on our honey-moon.

"Can he ever have been a lover of hers in New York?" Sybilla asked herself. "I know she was there two years at school." But it seemed improbable. Harrie could not have been over thirteen or fourteen at the time. The honey-moon month passed the January day that was to bring the happy pair home arrived.

And Stephen, he took to drink a little, at first, to be jovial with the customers; more and more gradually, until, at the end of the honey-moon, he was half his time on the fuddle. And Mary Dane didn't care. She laughed in her pretty way when people talked. "'Let him take his glass, Mariam, says she to me. 'He's fonder of me in his cups, and better-natured every way, than when he's sober.

Our little craft was rendered somewhat unmanageable by a deck-load of coal and a heavy cargo of freight, and there were periods when I would have thought myself fortunate in being once more off Cape Horn in the good ship Pacific. The amtman and his young bride spent this portion of their honey-moon performing a kind of duet that reminded me of my friend Ross Wallace's lines in "Perdita:"

"Oh yes, we must wait for a er a Money Moon, you know, surely you've heard of a Money Moon?" "'Fraid not," sighed Small Porges regretfully, "but I've heard of a Honey-moon " "They're often much the same!" nodded Bellew. "But when will the Money Moon come, an' how?" "I can't exactly say, my Porges, but come it will one of these fine nights.

In the language of the stage, to faire four is to play to a wretchedly thin house, or to obtain not the slightest applause. It is taking great pains for nothing, in short a signal failure. This petty trouble it is very petty is reproduced in a thousand ways in married life, when the honey-moon is over, and when the wife has no personal fortune.

This proof of confidence the object of much secret envy is, to women, a field-marshal's baton. Women are then, so to speak, mistresses at home. After this, nothing, not even the memory of the honey-moon, can be compared to Adolphe's happiness for several days. A woman, under such circumstances, is all sugar.

The order came, unfortunately, too late, as the young couple had already met frequently clandestinely and forestalled their expected honey-moon.

She seemed ever so much larger as well as lovelier, and Walter gazed at her with a sort of loving awe, and she smiled archly at him, and it was the first time she had really enjoyed her own beauty, or even troubled her head much about it. They condensed a honey-moon into these four days, and came home compensated for their patience, and more devoted than ever.

She and Carter then proceeded joyfully to waste his three thousand dollars with that contempt for money with which on a honey-moon it should always be regarded. When there was no more, Dolly called upon her mother's lawyers and inquired if her father had left her anything in her own right.