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The little misery of the cigars still galled her, and now this big humiliation superposed itself on the raw wound. Decidedly, the second month of their honey-moon was beginning cloudily.... She glanced at the enamel led travelling-clock on her dressing table one of the few wedding-presents she had consented to accept in kind and was startled at the lateness of the hour.

Then he turned to the man, "Here is a sovereign for your trouble, my man. Now give me my bracelet." To his surprise the hotel-keeper put it behind his back instead of giving it to him. "Nay," said he, shaking his head knowingly, "you are not the gentleman that spent the honey-moon with the lady as owns it. My mistress said I was not to give it into no hands but hers."

Imagine how great the Dissapointment must be to me, when you consider that after having laboured both by Night and by Day, in order to get the Wedding dinner ready by the time appointed, after having roasted Beef, Broiled Mutton, and Stewed Soup enough to last the new-married Couple through the Honey-moon, I had the mortification of finding that I had been Roasting, Broiling and Stewing both the Meat and Myself to no purpose.

"Why, to let his little Liline ride the horsey." OBSERVATION. During the honey-moon, some few married couples, very young ones, make use of languages, which, in ancient days, Aristotle classified and defined. This is one of the secret reasons, discussed and recognized in big quartos by the Germans, which determined the Cabires, the creators of the Greek mythology, to represent Love as a child.

Happy times happy times! but still there might be happier; yes, and happiest, too, they seemed to whisper, if ever they should have a merry little nursery of prattling boys and girls! But I am not so entirely in the confidence of those young folks as to be certain about what they seemed to whisper: in that pretty prattling sentence were they not getting a little beyond the honey-moon?

But before the honey-moon was well over, the faithless friend and subject realized that he had a difficult and dangerous part to play. He did not dare let Edgar see his wife, for fear of the instant detection of his artifice, and he employed every pretence to keep her in the country.

In the language of the stage, to faire four is to play to a wretchedly thin house, or to obtain not the slightest applause. It is taking great pains for nothing, in short a signal failure. This petty trouble it is very petty is reproduced in a thousand ways in married life, when the honey-moon is over, and when the wife has no personal fortune.

They had chosen to do this thing to spend their honey-moon in this particular way, and there was no reason why they should not. The little dream which had been of such unattainable proportions in the days of Mrs. Bowse's boarding-house could be realized to its fullest. No one in the St.

This proof of confidence the object of much secret envy is, to women, a field-marshal's baton. Women are then, so to speak, mistresses at home. After this, nothing, not even the memory of the honey-moon, can be compared to Adolphe's happiness for several days. A woman, under such circumstances, is all sugar.

Archibald, "I am afraid the explosion would be as bad for you as it would be for them." "Don't try it," said Mrs. Kate. "I take a great interest in that budding bit of felicity; I consider it an outgrowth of our own marriage and honey-moon.