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By that time he'd got 'bout to the end of his rope, an' the' wa'n't nothin' for it but to come back here to Homeville an' make the most o' what the' was left an' that's what he done, let alone that he didn't make the most on't to any pertic'ler extent. Mis' Cullom, his wife, wa'n't no help to him.

I didn't take no chances, an' it's all right, an' it's your'n, an' it makes ye to a certain extent independent of Homeville." "I don't quite see it so," said John. "Wa'al," said David, turning to him, "if you'd had as much five years ago you wouldn't 'a' come here, would ye?" John was silent. "What I was leadin' up to," resumed Mr.

"'Couldn't nobody look more fit, sir, he says, an' I'm dum'd," said David, with an assertive nod, "when I looked at myself in the lookin'-glass. "People don't dress for dinner in Homeville, as a rule, then," John said, smiling. "No," said Mr. Harum, "when they dress fer breakfust that does 'em fer all three meals.

"I am told," said John, after a pause in which the conversation seemed to be dying out for lack of fuel, and apropos of nothing in particular, "that Homeville is quite a summer resort." "Quite a consid'able," responded Mr. Harum. "It has ben to some extent fer a good many years, an' it's gettin' more an' more so all the time, only diff'rent.

He wished only that Sam would do credit to the name of Jinks. It was on a beautiful day in June that "Cap" Jinks bade farewell to Homeville. The family came out in front of the house, keeping back their tears as best they could at this the first parting; but Sam, tho he loved them well, had no room in his heart for regret.

Before retiring, however, he stripped the bed with the intention of turning the sheets, but upon inspection thought better of it, and concluded to leave them as they were. So passed his first night in Homeville, and, as he fondly promised himself, his last at the Eagle Hotel.

You'll do the work about 's you're doin' now, an' you'll draw the same sal'ry; an' after that's paid we'll go snucks on anythin' that's left that is," added David with a chuckle, "if you feel that you c'n stan' it in Homeville." "I wish you was married to one of our Homeville girls, though," declared Mr. Harum later on as they drove homeward.

And two minutes later he went out of the store with the box in his hand and got into his buggy, and was soon driving through the streets of Homeville on his way to his farm. No one had ever asked Colonel Jinks where he had obtained his title. In fact, he had never put the question to himself. It was an integral part of his person, and as little open to challenge as his hand or his foot.

He persuaded his mother to make him a uniform something like that of the lead soldiers, and the stores of Homeville were ransacked for drums, swords, and belts and toy-guns. He would stand on guard for hours at the barnyard gate, saluting in the most solemn manner whoever passed, even if it was only a sparrow.

Perhaps it would be better if we said good-bye to-night; but if after we get home you are to spend your days in Homeville and I mine in New York, we shall not be likely to meet, and, except on this side of the ocean, we may, as you say, never see each other again. So, if you wish, you may come to see me in Naples if you happen to be there when we are.