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Solomon went to the thicket and called: "Mis' Scott!" The woman answered. "Here's a tow'l an' a leetle jug o' soap, Mis' Scott. Ye kin take the boy to the crick an' git washed an' then come to the fire an' eat yer breakfust." The boy was a handsome, blond lad with blue eyes and a serious manner. His confidence in the protection of his mother was sublime. "What's yer name?"

Held one out to you that way not long ago, and I wish I may never stir agin if you didn't take a crack at my eye, and if I hadn't ducked I'd be one-eyed right now. But they are callin' us to breakfust. Bound to interfere with a man one way or another." It was with great care that Alf prepared himself to go with me to the General's house.

The' was more or less moon, an' I see the el'phant, an' the big wagins the drivers kind o' noddin' over the dashboards an' the chariots with canvas covers I don't know how many of 'em an' the cages of the tigers an' lions, an' all. Wa'al, I got up the next mornin' at sun-up an' done my chores; an' after breakfust I set off fer the ten-acre lot where I was mendin' fence.

"'What? he says. "'Bad fer the ap'tite, I says, 'an' I'm savin' mine fer that second breakfust o' your'n. "'What! he says, 'haven't you had anythin' to eat? An' then I told him what I ben tellin' you.

Breakfust!" called Eradicate, when Tom was about to start on a second round. "Let's eat," suggested Ned, "and then we four can circle around together." Tom agreed that this would be a good plan. A little later then, with Tom nearest the temple walls, the four began their march around them.

How many of a family have you?" "Well, it's seven years since I heard from them I haven't corresponded very reg'lar of late, but they WAS six " The story of Tompkins' family was cut short by the arrival of a team and mowing machine. "What's up, Fred?" called Tompkins through a window of his dining car to the driver. "Breakfust is just over, an' dinner ain't begun."

"You must excoos Brother Uriah," sed the female; "he's subjeck to fits and hain't got no command over hisself when he's into 'em." "Sartinly," sez I, "I've bin took that way myself frequent." "You're a man of sin!" sed the Elder. Arter breakfust my little Shaker frends cum in agin to clear away the dishes. "My pretty dears," sez I, "shall we YAY agin?" "Nay," they sed, and I NAY'D.

"Wa'al, next mornin'," David resumed, "I got up an' shaved an' dressed, an' set 'round waitin' fer the breakfust bell to ring till nigh on to half-past nine o'clock. Bom-by the' came a knock at the door, an' I says, 'Come in, an' in come one o' them fellers. 'Beg pah'din, sir, he says. 'Did you ring, sir? "'No, I says, 'I didn't ring. I was waitin' to hear the bell.

Wa'al, sir, fust he looked kind o' mad an' disgusted, an' then he laughed till I thought he'd bust, an' when he quit he says, 'Excuse me, Harum, it's too damned bad; but I couldn't help laughin' to save my soul. An' it's all my fault too, he says. 'I intended to have you take your breakfust with me, but somethin' happened last night to upset me, an' I woke with it on my mind, an' I fergot.

"Yes, sir," said David, unheeding, "I allowed 't I'd walk 'round with my mouth open a spell, an' git a little air on my stomech to last me till that second breakfust; an' as I was pokin' 'round the grounds I come to a sort of arbor, an' there was Price, smokin' a cigar.